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他和我们一样都是新加坡人。Nathan Hartono is as much a Singaporean as any of us.

但事实上新加坡的艺术家没几个是大富大贵的。The truth is that there are few well-off Singaporean artists.

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最近一群新加坡企业家联合推出这种电子美甲仪。A group of Singaporean entrepreneurs recently launched E-Manicure.

Sucrogen最终被出售给新加坡丰益国际集团。Sucrogen was ultimately sold to Singaporean group Wilmar International.

该俱乐部成立于1971年,旨在青少年中推广航空活动。Established in 1971, the YFC promotes aviation among Singaporean youths.

我享用了一顿新加坡美食,并籍此了解了新加坡菜式。That said, I did have a good meal and introduction to Singaporean cuisine.

她的丈夫,新加坡烟草大亨黄和祥陪她参加了仪式。Her husband, the Singaporean tobacco tycoon Ooi Hoe Soeng, accompanied her.

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同时,一些新加坡人的公司如腾飞公司,知道他们自己在扮演着重要的角色。Meanwhile, some Singaporean firms like Ascendas see themselves playing a key role.

杨展之评论说,如果新加坡能够做到这一点,为什么沙巴人和州政府不能?Teddy commented that if Singaporean can do it, why can't Sabahan and the Ministry?

新加坡歌手林俊杰是上个月请来的第一位代言人。Singaporean singer JJ Lin was the first power icon, having been appointed last month.

这一措施,令最近受经济衰退打击的新加坡银行家和投资者们大为振奋。Singaporean bankers and investors, who have been pounded in the recent slump, are thrilled.

胡锦涛感谢纳丹和新加坡政府就甘肃舟曲发生特大山洪泥石流灾害所表示的慰问。Hu thanked Nathan and the Singaporean government for extending condolences over the disaster.

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律村和旭龄及穆分别为乐天购物提供韩国和新加坡法律顾问。Yulchon and Shook Lin provided Korean and Singaporean law advice to Lotte Shopping, respectively.

新加坡一名医护人员于九月在国家实验室中因意外也感染过非典。In September, a Singaporean medical worker caught the virus in an accident at a government-run lab.

语言的障碍仍然是为新加坡的买家,保罗韩,谁拥有三个时装店的城市。Language was still a barrier for Singaporean buyer, Paul Kor, who owns three boutiques in the city.

芀学校最初提供新加坡的课程,在2001年成为世界IB学校之前。The school initially offered the Singaporean curriculum, before becoming an IB World School in 2001.

新加坡球员教练球迷斗殴事件在新加坡联赛年轻的狮子斗争防暴比北京国安1-1。Singaporean players coach fans brawl fight riot in Singapore League Young Lions vs Beijing Guoan 1-1.

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一些西方、韩国和新加坡的教会讲员也有一大群追随的听众。Several Western, Korean, and Singaporean preachers also have large followings among churches in China.

已故新加坡艺术家郭宝?最为喜闻乐见的著作是哪一个?Which of the following is one of the most well-known works of the late Singaporean artist Kuo Pao Kun?

新加坡城市生活图片。佩带水果,钩住,和钢铁金属棒,一个新加坡人出发在他的大宝森节散步。Adorned in fruit, hooks, and steel rods, a Singaporean sets off on his Thaipusam walk through the city.