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最后对努比亚王朝在古代埃及史上的地位进行评价。At last, talking about the historical position of Nubian Dynasty.

他的叔叔沙巴卡在古孟菲斯和底比斯建立了一个努比亚王朝。His uncle Shabaka had established a Nubian presence in Memphis and Thebes.

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苏丹被撒播毁灭的努比亚人的国王,他一度统治全部的埃及。Sudan is strewn with the ruins of Nubian kings, who once ruled all of Egypt.

美国宇航局的科学家计算出它会撞击苏丹北部的努比亚沙漠。NASA scientists calculated it would strike the Nubian Desert of northern Sudan.

坐在这样一艘小船上,和两个努比亚水手一起共度48个小时,那是需要冒很大的风险的。Climbing aboard a tiny boat with two Nubian sailors for 48 hours was a leap of faith.

在耶路撒冷没有将其一网打尽的亚述人,也开始和他谈判求和。The Assyrians, after failing to best him at Jerusalem, wanted no part of the Nubian ruler.

遗憾的是,我们实际上对一位有着如此丰功伟绩的伟大努比亚君主的模样几乎一无所知。A pity, then, that the great Nubian who accomplished these feats is literally faceless to us.

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这些金字塔是所谓的库什之地努比亚王国“黑人法老”的坟墓。These pyramids are the tombs of the so-called "black pharaohs" of the Nubian Kingdom of Kush.

公元前669年,以撒汉顿得知努比亚人打算收回孟菲斯,于是赶往埃及,但却在在前往埃及的半路上去世了。In 669 B.C. Esarhaddon died en route to Egypt, after learning that the Nubian had managed to retake Memphis.

一个统治者鼓励努比亚是,他们将得到支持,拜占庭的敌人对他们的。An incentive to the Nubian rulers was that they would receive the support of Byzantium against their enemies.

这根柱子原本是努比亚法老曾经在阿蒙神庙旁附加建造的亭子的一部分,亭子是由19根类似的柱子组建而成的。That pillar had been one of ten, forming a gigantic kiosk that the Nubian pharaoh added to the Temple of Amun.

努比亚野生山羊是只有在中东才有的野羊,它们长着弯曲的犄角,看上去很气派。Some Nubian ibex, wild goats found only in the Middle East, made an appearance, looking regal with their curlicue horns.

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“努比亚博物馆是为了那些为了自己家园而牺牲的人所建造的,”努比亚人乌萨马阿卜杜勒说道。"The Museum was a gift for those who sacrificed their homeland, " says the director, Osama Abdul, who is Nubian himself.

随后他便从一条白色皮带里抽出一柄匕首,直取努比亚人的咽喉,以防那奴隶散播他的耻辱。Then he drew a dagger from a belt of white leather, and stabbed the Nubian in the throat lest the slave should tell of his dishonour.

但这些骨头的来历可不简单——它们来自于1600多年前埋葬在苏丹的努比亚木乃伊,而科学家们直至1948年才发现了四环素。Except these bones were from a Nubian mummy buried 1,600 years ago in Sudan -- long before scientists discovered tetracycline, in 1948.

纹身在全世界大多数地区均有,此行为最早可追溯到公元前2000年埃及人和努比亚人的木乃伊。Tattooing has been practiced in most parts of the world, and examples have been found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from 2000 BC.

当人们聚集在一起为新的发展而铺设基石,努比亚儿童歌颂阿斯旺的美丽的时,卜杜勒法塔赫先生开心的笑了。At a gathering to lay the cornerstone for the new development, Abdul Fattah smiled broadly as Nubian children sang of the beauty of Aswan.

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当地居民喜欢为住家图绘彩饰,并在门上悬挂动物乾枯的遗骸当作避邪物。The Nubian people like to paint and create from their homes, and above the doors hang dried animal hides, used to drive away evil spirits.

这艘光亮、流线型的J型327努比亚飞船没有任何进攻性武装,但安装了坚固的护盾和出色的超空间推进器。The polished, streamlined J-type 327 Nubian vessel lacks any offensive weaponry, but does feature strong shields and a competent hyperdrive.

它并不显得有多少与众不同,只是这些骨头来自于苏丹1600年前埋在地下的木乃伊——而科学家在1948年才发现了四环素。Nothing unusual. Except these bones were from a Nubian mummy buried 1,600 years ago in Sudan—long before scientists discovered tetracycline, in 1948.