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你不能叫这种东西肉汁吧?Can't you call it gravy?

能不克不及请你帮我带一个卤汁皿?。Could you bring me a gravy boat?

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肉一直浸泡在浓汁中。The meat is being swum in gravy.

由于我在胡思乱想,倒翻了菜汤和肉汁。My fantasy spills soup and gravy.

用这只勺子盛肉汁。Use this spoon to help the gravy.

两个瓷罐子装着热气腾腾的肉卤。Two china jugs held steaming gravy.

当我把汤汁洒得衣服上到处都是。When I drip gravy all over my clothes.

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非常漂亮的船形卤肉盘。This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat.

你把肉汁泼到台布上了。You have spilled gravy on the tablecloth.

我查看了一下锅里煮着的土豆然后又搅拌了几下肉汁。I tested the potatoes and stirred the gravy.

素食和肉食都有的晚餐。The dinner with all the veggie and the gravy.

剁碎香菜、洒上肉汁或是加一些可食用的花朵。Chop parsley, drizzle gravy or add edible flowers.

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龙虾酱汁和马铃薯泥真是绝配呀!Mashed potato with lobster gravy were so delicious.

这道菜通常都和浓郁的洋葱肉汁一起食用。The dish is usually served with a rich onion gravy.

我发现我对这个船形卤肉盘比对巴里更有冲动。I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry.

送达新鲜蔬菜,炒土豆和肉汁。Served with fresh vegetables, sauté potatoes and gravy.

我竟然找到了妈妈那套瓷器中的这只船形肉卤盘。I had found the gravy boat from my mother's china service.

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在加拿大,普丁是杂烩型,加料版本的肉汁薯条。Poutine is a messy, rich version of gravy fries in Canada.

这当儿,我把手伸到枕头下面,拿出了那只船形肉卤盘。Then I reached under my pillow and took out the gravy boat.

她用一些在黄油中炒过的面粉给肉汁调味。She enriched the gravy with a little flour browned in butter.