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在印度她尝试了修行与冥想。in India she joined an ashram and meditated.

又过了几个星期我被邀请去现在温哥华的这个静室。In a few weeks I was invited to the present day ashram in Vancouver.

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“慈悲”去了印度,并在普那遇到了奥修。Karunesh traveled to India where he met Osho in his ashram in Poona.

出于爱干净的原因我加入了色瓦加木的甘地纪念馆。I joined Gandhi's Sewagram Ashram because of my love for cleanliness.

目前全球已有接近八十间西瓦南达静修中心。There are now close to 80 locations worldwide, including several ashram retreats.

在此期间,Sathya赛巴巴的身体将躺在状态,直到他的葬礼在他的修行。In the meantime, Sathya Sai Baba's body will lie in state at his ashram till his funeral.

她从那里旅行的启蒙搜索到印度以“修行”的精神撤退。"From there she travels to India in search of enlightenment at an "ashram" spiritual retreat.

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在一次前往印度的旅行中,乔布斯参观了一所知名的修道所,并在返回美国后成了一名佛教禅宗信徒。During a trip to India, Jobs visited a well-known ashram and returned to the U.S. as a Zen Buddhist.

乔布斯到印度旅行期间,参观了著名的静修和作为佛教禅宗返回美国。During a trip to India, Jobs visited a well-known ashram and returned to the U. S. as a Zen Buddhist.

然而,我并不需要如此担心,欢迎我回来的是热情敞开的臂腕,过了三个月之后我被邀请住在静室。Well I need not have worried I was welcomed back with open arms and after three months was invited to live in the ashram.

乔布斯曾经这样评价过比尔-盖茨,“如果他磕过药,拜过佛,他就完全会是个更有想法的人。”Bill Gates, he suggested, would be "a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger".

1901年,他在加尔各答附近创办了圣地尼克坦,一所由他自己设计的、以印度传统和西方相结合的学校。In 1901 he founded Shantiniketan near Calcutta. This was designed to provide a blend of traditional ashram and Western education.

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很遗憾,我们急缺实际的护城河,祈祷的场所,因为在爱这部分里,巴登证明了自己就是一座有价值的城堡。It's a shame our particular moat, the ashram of Pray, is so exhausting, because in the Love section Bardem proves himself a worthy castle.

其中他就曾暗指他的老对头比尔·盖茨,如果他年轻时也能服一次迷幻药或潜心静修印度教,他的胸怀和视野将更加宽广。His great rival, Bill Gates, he suggested, would be "a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger."

根据艾阿什姆指出,野生骆驼通常吃草,因此可被视为能够取代饲养动物的高品质「有机」食品。Wild camel feeds largely on grasses and could be viewed as a high quality "organic" alternative to purpose farmed stock, according to El Ashram.

我甚至有点喝醉,经过前几个月在道场祈祷、在自家巴厘庭园喝茶的纯净日子后,尤其明显。I even got a little bit drunk, which was notable after all the purity of my last few months of praying at the Ashram and sipping tea in my Balinese flower garden.

时当“母亲”给了他许可,亨利·卡蒂埃-布列松拍摄了一些修道院里各项活动的照片,也拍了一些“母亲”的照片。When the Mother gave him permission, Henri Cartier-Bresson took a number of photographs of the various activities of the Ashram and also some photographs of the Mother.

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三十多年前,我第一次来到印度的奥修社区,我跟他说,我对于他关于“只要接受事情本来的样子就没问题”的概念有疑问。When I first came to Osho's ashram in India, more than thirty years ago, I told him that I had trouble with his concept that if you just accept things the way they are, there is no problem.