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亚里士多德将梦定义为人在睡眠时的心理活动。The dream is defined as the psychic activity of the sleeper, inasmuch as he is asleep.

因为我们是为人民服务的,所以不怕别人指出我们的缺点。Inasmuch as we serve the people, we are not afraid to have our shortcomings pointed out.

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我准备接受你的建议,因为我相信这是你所能提出的最好的建议。I am ready to accept your proposal inasmuch as I believe it to be the best you can offer.

因为我已经通过了英语考试,所以我将开始学第二门外语。Inasmuch as I have passed the English examination, I shall take up a second foreign language.

由于基督教是一种启示的宗教,所以它不需要人的修改或拯救。Inasmuch as it is a revealed religion Christianity is not susceptible of human revision or rescue.

救恩是末世性的,由于它讲到从审判中被拯救,进入最后的荣耀里。Salvation is eschatological inasmuch as it entails deliverance from judgment to final glorification.

正好,早上我要去市中心做一个CNN的采访,择日不如撞日,今天我就杀奔苹果店了。And inasmuch as I had to be in midtown at the crack of dawn for a CNN hit, I figured today was the day.

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这些转变也将利益你们,因为它们在因为更富戏剧性的物理变化而软化这些需要。These changes will also benefit you inasmuch that they are softening the need for more dramatic physical changes.

这个星球上如果有生物,也一定是一些与我们完全不同的怪物。But inasmuch as even this would be unbearable for us, the creatures on this planet must likewise be different from us.

由于债务人的名字是分居的丈夫吉田学,很可能是香织的丈夫随意地运用了她的名字。Inasmuch as the debtor's name is estranged husband learn, probably yoshida woven husband casually incense using her name.

事实上,复制对于电脑,就像呼吸对于生物体,因为牵涉到所有的计算机操作。In fact, copying is to computers as breathing is to living organisms, inasmuch as all computational operations involve it.

既然新教徒都是在北爱尔兰土生土长,已经很难将他们视为外来者。Inasmuch as the Protestants are all native-born Northern Irelanders, it is no longer so easy to treat them as "outsiders."

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勃鲁宁被迫容忍法西斯,并且还资助他们,那是因为他对工人的胜利感到由衷的恐惧。Brüning is compelled to tolerate the fascists and to patronize them inasmuch as he mortally fears the victory of the workers.

日常语言中从来不会产生意义和真理问题,因为我们确实知道如何使用语言,并且能够理解我们说的是什么。Questions of meaning and truth hardly arise in ordinarylanguage, inasmuch as we know how to use and understand the things we say.

他比摩西算是更配多得荣耀,好像建造房屋的比房屋更尊荣。For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house.

你们也许会说我们捆绑了我们的双手,我们只是遵守游戏的规则,并且没有任何事情可以阻扰和干扰我们的行动。Our hands are only tied inasmuch as you might say, that we play by the rules and there is nothing underhand or illegal in our actions.

王要回答说,我实在告诉你们,这些事你们既不作在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是不作在我身上了。Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

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你会发现便宜的排气优惠券代码和负担得起的汽车交易的,而成功的,可用于汽车修理聘用。You'll find budget-priced sap coupon codes and affordable auto deals while successfully which can be employed inasmuch as pile repairs.

你们现在知道了这些,做出了真我的表达,于是就打破了黑暗势力对你的束缚与控制。You now know otherwise and stand up for yourself, and it is achieving results inasmuch that you are breaking the hold the dark Ones had on you.

从某种意义上说,另外一个悲剧是媒体仍然普遍把它当做一件恐和谐怖分子袭击事件,然而事实说的又是另外一回事。There is in a manner of speaking another tragedy, inasmuch that the media still generally refers to it as a terrorist attack yet the facts tell otherwise.