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这个问题是对模仿骗子行为的一种嘲弄。The question is a mockery of a travesty of a sham.

在嘻哈音乐中用到小提琴会不会很滑稽Is this a travesty to use a violin with hip-hop here?

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他在布宜诺斯艾利斯遭逮,意味著波士尼亚的罪行终于能被纠正。His capture in Buenos Aires means that travesty can now at last be corrected.

我们上赛季主场1-4输给利物浦,那是个灾难时刻。We lost 4-1 to Liverpool at home last season, which was a travesty at the time.

这些专家同意说,如果这些医务工作者被判有罪,那将是对正义的嘲弄。The experts agree that if the health workers are found guilty, it would be a travesty of justice.

虽然完全被生活物质所包围还很远,但马克思认为这样追求物质是对人类潜力的歪曲。Far from being obsessed witheconomic matters, Marx saw them as a travesty of true human potential.

它们破坏了标准,并给付费公众带来了对文化体验的虚荣模仿。They collapse standards and offer a vainglorious travesty of a cultural experience to a paying public.

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然而,有时看似良性的引入却形成了滑稽的环境,或使生态系统陷入困境。However, sometimes a seemingly benign introduction creates environmental travesty and ecosystem despair.

本丢彼拉多以三种语言张贴耶稣的「罪状」——犹太人的王,明褒暗贬被人嘲讽的正义。Pontius Pilate had Jesus' "crime"—King of the Jews—posted in three languages, in ironic tribute to the travesty of justice.

自动决策是一个滑稽的安全做法,就像您双击一个文件,让软件选择相应的应用程序。Autorun for CDs is a travesty of security practice, as is application selection by the software when you double-click a file.

这些作者们描绘到,大量人口可以获得的落伍的高血压保健是一个“讽刺,再也不能继续被忽略了。”They describe the outdated hypertensive care available for huge numbers of people as "a travesty that cannot continue to be ignored".

从这样一个思想形态中,他们就显化了Annanuki统治地球的相关悲剧及自身流血。From such a thought-form, they then manifested the related travesty of the Annanuki dominion of Earth along with their own blood shed.

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你不会发现奥巴马使用2017年度国防授权法案来镇压那些对他新真理部进行嘲弄的新闻报道。You wouldn't find out Obamy would surpress any media coverage of such a travesty with his new Ministry of Truth using his NDAA2017 act.

但是让我真的警告你,看到那么多纳税人的钞票浪费在一团上升的火焰中真的让人感到受不了,特别是录像如此缓慢地展开。But let me warn you—it's really, really hard watching so much taxpayer cash wastefully go up in flames, especially when the travesty unfolds so slowly.

而一些专家指出,这样一个新的“四不象”会失去联合国教科文组织世界遗产的名号。The problem, according to some experts, is that the new look is an archaeological travesty which could cost the pyramid its UN world heritage site designation.

“这对太阳能产业会是一次嘲弄,”位于新罕布什尔州的太阳能电池板制造设备供应商GT太阳能的前首席执行官汤姆·扎莱拉说道。“It would be a travesty for the solar industry, ” said Tom Zarrella, a former chief executive of GT Solar, a New Hampshire supplier of the manufacturing equipment.

凡尔赛新联盟教堂的牧师说,第二修正案把以对基督教诲的曲解变成了“爱邻如己”。Nancy Jo Kemper, pastor of New Union Church inVersailles, said that Second Amendment Celebrations make a "travesty" ofChrist's instructions to "love thy neighbor. "

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当旧金山巨人队球迷为他们的英雄高呼呐喊之时,其他棒球迷却认为庞兹不仅是个骗子,且其新纪录也是一场彻头彻尾的骗局。Yet even as San Francisco Giants fans hailed their hero, many other baseball fans across America were dismissing Mr Bonds as a cheat, and his new record a travesty.

它声称,他们已经收集到55300个名字在网上请愿书上签名,要求圣母院大学撤销其邀请,并“立即停止这种滑稽”。It claims to have collected three hundred and fifty thousand names on a Web petition demanding that Notre Dame rescind its invitation and “halt this travesty immediately.”

这是许多在学术上批评他的人所完全忽略的,这也是为什么法兰基最近对他父亲的写照是这样地扭曲事实和令人愤怒。It is also why so many of his scholarly critics completely miss the heart of who he was, and why his son's recent portrayal of his father is such a travesty and an outrage.