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年轻的福斯蒂娜在硬币的浮雕上梳的就是这种发髻。Reliefs on coins of the young Empress Faustina show her with this coiffure.

莎莉谁人吸引人的新发型是我妹妹的发型计划师为她计划的。Sally's attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister's hair stylist.

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莎莉那个吸引人的新发型是我妹妹的发型设计师为她设计的。Sally's attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister's hair stylist.

她的发式与服装都经过缜密的研究,是流行的式样与回忆之间的微妙的妥协。Her coiffure and clothes were masterpieces of subtle compromise between fashion and memory.

他在一条商业小街上租了一个地方,给自己的店铺起了一个奇特的名字——本先生发型店。He rented space in a little strip mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr. Ben's Coiffure.

一团垫状物,通常由头发组成,戴在女人头上作为头饰来达到蓬松的效果。A pad of material, typically hair, worn as part of a woman's coiffure to puff out her own hair.

从美容院浮现出来,发型新颖而华丽耀眼,一个女人遇上了邻居。Emerging from the beauty shop resplendent in a new coiffure , a woman was confronted by a neighbor.

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兵马俑是独一无二的。无论外貌、服装、甚至发型,都绝无两个形似的陶俑。The terracotta warriors are unique. Not one looks like another, either in physiognomy, costume or even coiffure.

娜塔莎情不自禁地细瞧她的颈项、肩头、珍珠和发式,欣赏她的肩膀与珍珠之美。Natasha unconsciously examined that neck and the shoulders, the pearls, the coiffure of this lady, and admired the beauty of the shoulders and the pearls.

穆里尼奥,英超球队切尔西的葡萄牙主教练,近日和他几乎被剃光了的头发一起出现在众人面前,再一次成为了英国小报们的话题中心。José Mourinho, the Portuguese coach of Chelsea of the English Premier League, again found himself the focus of British tabloids when he recently showed off his new closely cropped coiffure.