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烧菜时不要把油烧得太热。Don't overheat the oil when cooking.

过热指示信号出现在P5和P7板上。Overheat indication occurs on the P5 and P7 panels.

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注意不要使烙铁过热而损坏二极管。Becareful not to overheat the solder and damage the diodes.

给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat.

还具有直流保护和过温度保护功能。Additional, they are with DC protection and overheat protection.

机翼和机身管道过热警告出现在P5或P7板上。Wing and body duct overheat warning occurs on the P5 and P7 panels.

天鹅绒材质的耳罩即使佩戴非常久,脑袋也不会感觉太热。The velour earpads do not overheat my head even after extensive use.

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如果你运动剧烈的话,一个沉重的夹克或者马甲会让你过热。A heavy down jacket or vest may cause you to overheat if you're exercising hard.

第三、流体不会过热因为隔膜泵对流体的搅动最小。Third, the fluid does not overheat because of the fluid stirred diaphragm minimum.

麝香牛的身体是适应寒冷的北极的,如果跑的过久,它们最终会过热。Built for the frigid Arctic, musk oxen will actually overheat if they run for too long.

堆芯损伤状态包括堆芯无损伤、燃料元件包壳破损、燃料过热和燃料熔化等四种。Core damage states include no core damage, fuel clad failure, fuel overheat and fuel melt.

两个氨冷却系统组成的防护线保证整个空间站的电力设施不会过热。The two ammonia lines ensure that all the station's electronic equipment does not overheat.

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让ROV保持真空状态的话会导致这个电子产品由于缺少空气制冷而出现过热现象!Leaving vacuum in the ROV could cause the electronics to overheat from lack of air for cooling.

不过设计超薄笔记本的一个挑战是如何在笔记本厚度尺寸不足1英寸的条件下保证系统的散热。One of the challenges for Intel is making sure these sub-one-inch-thick designs don't overheat.

不要把睡觉的环境弄得太暖和。睡眠喜欢冷空气。让你的卧室冷一些但是要盖好被子。Don't overheat your environment. Sleep loves cold. Keep your bedroom cold but load up on blankets.

始终确保提供足够的遮荫,因为过多的阳光会导致您的鹦鹉过热。Always be sure to provide ample shade, as excessive sunlight can cause your budgerigar to overheat.

阐述了发动机过热的危害性,并对散热器及风扇等进行了结构改进。The detriments of engine overheat are explained and the structures of fan and radiator are improved.

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内置散热器过热保护和温度指示器内置RS-485通信端口。Built-in overheat prevention for the heat sink and temperature indicator. Built-in RS-485 communication.

在炎热的日子里,它们往往不怎么四处走动,宁愿呆在凉爽的洞穴,以免过热。On hot days, they tend not to move around much, preferring to laze in cool burrows so as not to overheat.

虽然热水浴缸会使你的睾丸过热,会杀死一些精子,还是会有足够的精子让卵子捕捉到。Though a hot tub can overheat your testicles and kill sperm, there should be plenty left for the egg hunt.