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那他们会怎样补偿我呢?So how will they compensate me?

我们要求你们赔偿我们遭受的损失。Yd to compensate us for the damage.

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但不要过度补偿的去吃大餐。Don't compensate by scoffing a huge lunch.

然后他们拿剩下的力进行补偿。Then they allowed the other forces to compensate.

那是治愈缺少睡眠的回天之术。This is your only way to compensate for less sleep.

失去健康是无法补偿的。Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.

一个人健康的丧失是无法补偿的。Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.

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这没有问题,只要你们负责赔偿任何破损的话。That’s fine, as long as you compensate for any damage.

这意味着补偿处理程序已触发。This means the compensate handlers have been triggered.

倒是我,得想个办法怎么补偿他们啊!Me though, have to find a way to compensate them how ah!

夏天,山区雾气弥补干旱期。In summer, the mountain mists compensate for dry periods.

本文的动意,即在于弥补这种不足。The purpose of this paper is to compensate the shortcoming.

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补偿事件处理程序只补偿了完整的范围。The compensate handler only compensates the completed scope.

他们的尖耳朵听觉敏锐,弥补了小眼睛弱视的缺陷。Sensitive pointed ears compensate for their small, weak eyes.

文若水想做出补偿把当年的股份按现在股份还给唐家。If water to compensate return all the stock at current to tang.

对工人工伤,许多工厂都抚恤赔偿。Many factories compensate their workers if they are hurt at work.

送他去个别辅导,并且要求他补偿他的受害者。Send him to counseling and require that he compensate his victim.

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上帝为了补偿人间诸般烦恼事,给了我们希望和睡眠。——伏尔泰。To compensate all troubles on earth, god gives us hope and sleep.

如果睡眠不足,我们通过吃零食、喝咖啡因饮料或运动来强打精神。Without it, we snack or drink caffeine or exercise to compensate.

工人在工作中受伤,工厂得给予受伤补助。The factory will compensate their workers if they are hurt at work.