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露在外面的铁会生锈的。Exposed iron will rust.

沙天使是否易受伤害?Is the sand angel too exposed?

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他遭受了风吹雨打。He was exposed to wind and rain.

工人们挖开地面使煤气管露出。The workmen exposed the gas pipe.

零售店店主陈列他的商品。The storekeeper exposed his wares.

放在空气潮湿地方的铁会生锈。Iron exposed to damp air will rust.

子弹穿进了它那暴露的肉里。Rounds tore into its exposed flesh.

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他揭露了这场战争的真正目的。He exposed the true aims of the war.

面对着那正在显现、暴露的神性。To the Godhead now revealed, exposed.

他向几家报纸透露了计划。He exposed the plan to the newspapers.

他们揭露了这次战争的真实目的。They exposed the true aims of the war.

他揭露了敌人的一切阴谋诡计。He exposed all the tricks of the enemy.

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画桥露月冷鸳鸯。Cold duck on the bridge painting exposed.

最后,大豆的神话是需要被揭露的。Finally the soy myth needs to be exposed.

他的狼子野心暴露无遗。His wild ambition was thoroughly exposed.

这是裸露的铀棒被安放的位置。That’s where the exposed rods are placed.

他们假公济私的勾当全被报纸揭了出来。Their jobs were all exposed by the press.

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核废料池将会完全暴露于大气中。It’s completely exposed to the atmosphere.

塑料适当加热就可以软化。Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.

他受到公众的嘲弄。He is exposed to the ridicule of the public.