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在暴风雨后跑步。Run after a rainstorm.

傍晚时,突然下起滂沱大雨。At sunset, a sudden rainstorm.

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它让我经历暴风雨。Ask me to run through a rainstorm.

天文台发出黄色暴雨警告信号。HKO issued the amber rainstorm signal.

今天是几个礼拜来的第一场大暴雨。Today, we had our first rainstorm in weeks.

暴风雨止息了,天开云散,艳阳高照。The rainstorm retires, clouds open, sunlight.

暴雨成灾。The heavy rainstorm caused a disastrous flood.

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夏天可能会遭遇干旱和洪水。Drought and rainstorm may attack the city in summer.

这张图是在冰雨和暴风雨天气下拍摄的。This picture was taken during a sleet and rainstorm.

据天气预报说暴风雨即将来临。According to the weather report a rainstorm is imminent.

湖北当局已发出十五条暴雨警告。Fifteen rainstorm warnings have been issued by Hubei authorities.

鲍勃的汽车在倾盆大雨中熄火,使他狼狈不堪。Bob was in a pickle when his car broke down in a pouring rainstorm.

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天空降了一阵暴雨,让这一带的乡村变得更充满了生机。A wee-hours rainstorm had brought the countryside even more to life.

失败而归后,迎接他的总是老婆的那场暴雨般的毒打。Failure to greet him always after the rainstorm of beating his wife.

以日记的形式记录了陈艺珍贵的灵感创作。Use form of diary to record valuable inspiration works of Rainstorm.

想像一下,被暴雨打得前仰后合的场面,刀少的心情有多惨。Imagine being rainstorm hit the scene, knife less how miserable mood.

三个女学生在暴风雨中行驶,几乎寸步难行。Three college girls driving in a hard-driving rainstorm crash their car.

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肯尼亚的玛格达湖,经过一场暴风雨之后,细菌大规模地繁殖使得湖水呈现红色。Kenya's Lake Magadi blushes under a bacteria bloom following a rainstorm.

在一个风雨交加的夜晚,游击队员们神不知鬼不觉地突破了敌占区。The guerrillas broke through the enemy's defense quietly in a rainstorm evening.

天文台只是发出黄色暴雨警告及雷暴警告。The Observatory issued only an amber rainstorm signal and a thunderstorm warning.