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温柔的人有福了。Blessed are the meek.

但你虽一向温和却很勇敢。But thou wast ever bravely meek.

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因此,疑惑中,穿过和缓的时间。So, wondering, thro' the hours meek.

他期望妻子温顺而且听他摆布。He expects his wife to be meek and submissive.

他形容杨欣“紧跟其后,非常紧张”。He described Yang as "very meek and very nervous."

前总统和Meek先生是非常亲密的朋友。The former president and Mr. Meek are close friends.

温文的人一定会耐性地等候主。The meek will usufriend wait patiently for the Lord.

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但谦卑人必承受地土,以丰盛的平安为乐。But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.

良善心谦的主耶稣,让我等之心仰合尔心。Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

总督老爷是个聪明人,一个聪明柔顺的稳健派。The governor is a wise man-a wise man, and a meek and moderate.

7尺6寸的布拉德利拥有全面的技术,但离成为一名球星还有一段距离。Shawn Bradley, 7'6", had skills, but was far too meek to be a star.

我和上了年纪,脾气温和的祖母一起住在宾夕法尼亚州的上达比。I was living with my meek old grandmother in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania.

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温柔的人是可以做出有益的选择来使自己受教的人。A meek person is someone who has made the healing choice to be teachable.

据三个了解这次谈话的人说,Meek先生曾经接近放弃了。Three people familiar with the discussion said Mr. Meek came very close to dropping out.

大结局中柴玉与婉儿最后一次见面的时候用的音乐是?Big final is hit by the firewood jade and music using is when the meek son once meets finally?

安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜脸上流露着温顺的忧愁和大度包容的神色,她和一个不认识的女士伫立在门旁。Anna Mihalovna with a countenance of meek sorrow and forgiveness stood at the door with the unknown lady.

Meek先生摇摆了几天,对某些人暗示说,他可以退出竞争,但是决定对抗到底。Mr. Meek wavered for several days—suggesting to some that he could leave the race—but decided against it.

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而这个鬼家伙才不仅仅如此,当爷爷和他在家时,就―改之前面目,成了温顺的‘小绵羊’。The devil is not so, when Grandpa and when he is at home, just before the face of the author, meek ' sheep '.

在我们想象中,温柔的人是一个「过分顺服和没有生气的」的人,正如某字典的定义所说的。We might picture a meek person as someone who is "overly submissive and spiritless, " as one dictionary puts it.

变化无穷与精心设计的动物,尽其所能求生于世间,绝无温顺可言。Creatures of infinite variety and ingenious design, these would be inheritors of the earth, prove anything but meek.