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小流氓用匕首向我刺来。The hoodlum stabbed at me with a dagger.

高提一开始是个残暴卤莽的混混。John Gotti was a violent and reckless hoodlum from his earliest days.

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狠狠打击恶势力,还老百姓一个清亮的世界!Severely attacks the hoodlum evil force! Returns to give back to a common people fresh world!

我希瑟与流氓滑板,我们正在与我们自己的内部生产。I'm Heather with Hoodlum Skateboards we are getting involved with our own in house production.

如果有暴徒入侵,房主还可以躲进特殊的安全“密室”。If has the hoodlum to invade, the house-owner may also hide in the special security "the secret room".

贝尼说,当时,几名平民装束的暴徒佯装要拜访驻地内的士兵。Boehne said that at that time, several common people attire's hoodlum feigned wants to visit in the station the soldier.

未来电影节青年流氓的暴力,但他最大的得分库布里克票房成功在这一点在他的职业生涯。A futuristic film about a violent young hoodlum , it scored Kubrick his biggest box office hit at that point in his career.

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在鲁迅的小说世界里有一系列光棍形象,他们是乡村社会最不幸、最低贱的群体。There are a series of hoodlum images in Luxun s novels, who are the most unlucky and most humble groups in the countryside.

可能是因为自己的大块头并不适合犯罪分子下手,我倒从没遇上过抢劫或是被揍。I have never been mugged or physically molested in any way , possibly because my large build does not make me an ideal prospect for a hoodlum.

笨蛋系列包括两街道生活流氓并且被禁闭的版本,完成与整体囚犯成套装备和球&束缚。The Chumps series includes both street life hoodlum as well as incarcerated versions, complete with the whole jailbird outfit and ball &chain.

其直叫喊的官员参与,我不担心,贪官污吏,流氓警察以及黑色邪恶势力的疯狂和排名的血液嗅觉的报复!Shouts its straight to the officials involved, I did not fear that the corrupt officials, hoodlum police as well as the black evil force are crazy and rank smell of blood retaliation!

一天,小龙遇到一男子为救一弱女子与流氓大打出手,认为这人身上有佛缘,便上前与其相识。One day, the dragonet runs into a man to rescue a woman and the hoodlum attacks brutally, thought that on this person of body has the Buddha reason, then goes forward with its acquaintance.