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汹涌的波涛掀翻了划艇。The rough waves capsized the rowboat.

我们必须把游艇的洞堵上。We must plug the hole in the rowboat.

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当罗思在划艇上划船的时候,鲁斯也在划船。Ruth rowed as Roth rode in the rowboat.

然后我跳上划艇准备作最后一次努力。Then I got into my rowboat for the last time.

他们将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边。They beached the rowboat in front of the cabin.

在埃伦·瓦宁,他会坐在划艇上摇晃著作为鱼饵的虫子。At Ellan Vannin he would sit in the rowboat and dangle a worm.

租一条游艇饱览湖景。C. Rent a rowboat and ride on one of Chengde’s magnificent lakes.

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我父亲会带着他的舷外马达并租用一个划艇。My father would take his outboard motor along and rent a rowboat.

夏日是一叶小舟上的船夫,是你四岁时不小心沾在裙子上的冰淇琳。Summer is a sailor in a rowboat and ice-cream on your dress when you're four years old.

“人类天使”比空气还轻,并且有着类似于小船的桨,飞行员可以驱动这些桨。The Man Angel was lighter-than-air and had paddles like a rowboat that the aviator could pump.

明天划艇比赛才开始,今天选手就跃跃欲试了。The rowboat race won't begin until tomorrow, but the players have already itching to start today.

就好像有两个人在他们里面,并排的坐在一个湖泊中的小船上。It's as if they have two people inside them, sitting side by side in a rowboat in the middle of a lake.

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我所知的唯一的小舟上的场景是蒙哥马利克利夫特将谢利文斯特推入水中。The only rowboat scene I knew was the one in which Montgomery Clift pushes Shelley Winters into the water.

在那里我们可以找到一条小船,划船到另外一条小道,最后可以到达天鹅湖。There we’d find a rowboat that we could take to yet another trail, which would eventually lead us to Swan Lake.

两个克利奥帕特拉女子在我们的皇家驳船,我的妹妹和我斜倚着,让我们的小舟在湖面漂泊。Two Cleopatras in our royal barge, my sister and I reclined and let our little rowboat drift out onto the lake.

就在去年,英国浆手罗斯-萨维奇成为第一个独自划船横穿大西洋的女人。Just last year, British ocean rower Roz Savage became the first woman to cross the Pacific Ocean alone, in a rowboat.

海耶斯当时被分配到船上卸货,他安排了一个计划,用一艘小船逃了出去。Spending his days unloading cargo from ships, Hayes devised a plan to make a dash from captivity using a small rowboat.

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要是希拉里赢了,在她离任之前美国海军只会剩下两个人在一条小船上用一把枪。If Hillary had won, by the time she left office a US Navy "presence" would have been two guys in a rowboat with a rifle.

例如在市区里面散散步,在自然保护区里面走走,又或者去去动物园,沿着海滨踩踩单车、休闲地划划艇。Walking the city streets. Exploring a nature preserve. Going to a zoo. Biking along the ocean. Taking a leisurely rowboat ride.

就像放在你家后院里的小船,和突然断电的平板电视一样,这些新型笔记本电脑中的多数一旦缺少了某种重要的因素,就会立刻魅力尽失。But like a rowboat in your backyard or a flat-screen TV in a blackout, most of these new PCs suffer when removed from a critical element.