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凯蒂有一头乌黑的长发。Katy has long blackish hair.

鲟鱼因其黑色的鱼卵而受到珍视。Sturgeons are prized for their blackish roe.

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带有光亮叶柄的一种北美蕨类。North american fern with a blackish lustrous stipe.

这些植物所结的黄色、红色或近于黑色的果实。The yellow, red , or blackish fruit of any of these plants.

微黑的花药正在白色的总状花序毛中罢工。The blackish anthers are striking among the white raceme hairs.

这河因结冰发黑,有雪藏在其中。Which are blackish by reason of the ice, and wherein the snow is hid

娇嫩的桃红与墨绿映上灰墙,更显高雅。Delicate pink mirror with blackish green on grey wall, more show decorous.

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星芒透辉石主产于印度,通常为黑色或黑绿色。Star Diopside is mainly mined in India and is generally a black or blackish green color.

冬季宜用棕色、墨绿、紫红、深咖啡等色。Winter appropriate uses the color such as brown, blackish green, amaranthine , deep coffee.

肤色红艳的人,可选用浅绿、墨绿等色的珠宝首饰,以衬托出活力。Color, can choose segong is colourful shallow green, blackish green color, with foil jewelry.

昨天早上我排出墨绿色的大便,而在晚上我排出黑便。Yesterday morning, I passed some blackish green stool. And during the night, I passed black stool.

昨天早上,我排出一些黑绿色的大便。然后到了晚上,我排出了黑色大便。Yesterday morning, I passed some blackish green stool. And during the night, i passed black stool.

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一种原产于澳大利亚的小型犬,毛皮粗糙,呈黑灰色且带有棕黄色斑点。A small dog of a breed originally bred in Australia, having a coarse, blackish coat with tan markings.

为了适合夏天的面容,你应该把黑色睫毛膏换成黑棕色或纯棕色睫毛膏。For a summery look, you should swap your black mascara for either a blackish brown or simply plain brown.

我有,不敢看恐怖片,不敢玩蹦极,害怕黑乎乎软捏捏的东西。For me, I fear to watch horror films, to play bungee jumping, and am afraid of blackish softish creatures.

从明亮的翠绿,到柔和的墨绿,绿色的眼影有着丰富的色彩和多样的层次。From bright verdure, to downy blackish green, eye shadow of green is having rich color and diversiform arrangement.

最引人注目的就是在整个庭园中间的一座养著数十只肥嘟嘟鲤鱼的墨绿色池塘。The most attractive thing is a blackish green pond in the central part of the courtyard with dozens of fat carp inside.

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干燥的蚕沙呈小圆柱型颗粒,坚实,均匀,色黑或墨绿。The dried silkworm feces is presented a small columned granule of massiness and uniformity which is black or blackish green.

隐藏的植物表层由弱小的同生一处的植物组成,它们通常是颇黑的,不规则地生长在沙子表面。Cryptobiotic crust consists of tiny communities of organisms that appear as a blackish and irregular raised crust upon the sand.

墨绿、枣红、咖啡色、金黄色都会使你看来自然高雅,相反蓝色系则与你格格不入,最好别穿蓝色系的上衣。Blackish green, red , brown, yellow will make you seem natural elegance, instead of blue and you are the best, don't wear blue fastens coat.