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我住在海心。I reside in Haikou.

你现在住在哪里?Where do you reside now?

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它们存在于全局数据。These reside in global data.

他已为获得居留证作了申请。He have applied for a reside nce permit.

疯狂动物城里居住着各种各样的哺乳动物。In Zootopia reside all kinds of mammals.

已经证实,记忆存在于某些金属中。Memory has been shown to reside in some metals.

文件和资源存在于源主机中。The files and resources reside on the source host.

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发布的文件将会放置在posts子文件夹下。The post files will reside in the posts subfolder.

非传染性疾病的根源在于非卫生部门。The root causes of NCDs reside in non-health sectors.

文档错误存在于手册或联机帮助中。Documentation bugs reside in the manuals or online help.

当它们驻留不去时,我们的生活被控制住了。While they reside there, they take control of our lives.

需要在文件集所在的目录运行此命令。You run this in the directory where your filesets reside.

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当它们驻留不去时,我们的生活被控制住了。While they reside there, they take control of our lives.

磁带卷可以存放在自动磁带库中。Mountable tape volumes can reside in an automated tape library.

现在你们的恩人正在敲我目前居留地的门呢。Now, your benefactor is knocking on the door I currently reside.

定制代码输入值在引用或者字段引用中。Custom code input values reside in references or field references.

体验一下瓦尔哈拉伟大会堂中人的大能。Experience the might of those who reside in Valhalla's great halls.

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然而,软件包块必须存在于源主机上。However, the software package block must reside on the source host.

古老的恒星驻留在位于星系的圆盘中心凸起的部分。Older stars reside in the bulge at the center of the galactic disk.

七宝小心翼翼的退后,远离风暴中心。Seven treasures very cautiously reside back and keep off storm hub.