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一转眼他就不见了。He was gone in a trice.

我一会儿就可以把你打扮得整整齐齐的。I'll make you decent in a trice.

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即刻就给予,即是给两次。He gives twice that gives in a trice.

这张大帆除非用绳子拉起并缚牢才能固定好。The big sail won't stay in position unless you trice it up.

除非你挂起船帆并用绳缚住,否则它就不能稳住。The big sail won't stay in position unless you trice it up.

刹那间他体内的热量散发到这狭窄的空间里,他很快睡着了。In a trice the heat from his body filled the confined space and he was asleep.

练习胸大肌,肱三头肌,三角肌前部。发展上肢肌肉,改善形体。Train pectorals trice ps frontal deltoids. develop upper body improve body shape.

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三只赫斯基狗包围了巴克,瞬息间便咬破了他的头和肩膀。Buck was beset by three huskies , and in a trice his head and shoulders were ripped and slashed.

二头肌和三头肌肌肉小,并且他们永远需要显现出,并且这些是多半时间弱点冠军。The biceps and trice ps muscles are small and they take forever to develop and these is most of the time the weak point of champions.

来自马里兰大学联合服务机构的苏森说,包菜只需60-90天的成长。Susan Trice from the University of Maryland Corporative Cooperative Extension Service , says cabbage takes about 60 to 90 days to grow.

中国可以购买全部的西班牙、爱尔兰、葡萄牙和希腊的国债,这样就能一瞬间解决欧元区的债券危机。China could buy all of the outstanding sovereign debt of Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece, solving the euro area’s debt crisis in a trice.

我来不及害怕,趁着弯刀还没有劈下来之际,纵身向旁边一跳,结果脚落在松软的沙地上,一个趔趄,头朝前顺着山坡滚了下去。I had not time to be afraid, but, as the blow still hung impending, leaped in a trice upon one side, and missing my foot in the soft sand, rolled headlong down the slope.