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他嗜酒的同伴。His boozy drinking companions.

嗜酒是指和喝很多酒。And boozy means lots of alcohol.

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那些醉醺醺的漫漫长夜!Long boozy nights around the fire!

他们间或晚上出去大醉一场。They enjoy a boozy night out once in a while.

我和我的男朋友在三年前一个醉醺醺的新年前夜派对上在一起的。My boyfriend and I got together at the end of a boozy New Year's Eve party three years ago.

酩酊午餐的消亡也是美国风尚的又一个标记,这种风尚波及到墨西哥的中产阶级。The demise of the boozy lunch is one more sign of the U. S. influence, which pervades Mexico's middle-class.

大河网讯一名俄罗斯商人为了向朋友炫耀自己所养的鳄鱼,不惜亲自用香肠喂饲,结果惨遭鳄鱼袭击。Russian was attacked by his pet alligator after he tried to show off to friends at a boozy party by feeding it sausages.

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还好,我昨晚参加婚宴喝得比较多。喝了太多的香槟。你知道什么治疗宿醉的良方吗?Well, I was at a rather boozy wedding party last night. And I had a bit too much champagne. Do you know any good hangover cures?

要获得这些艺术照中显示的奇特形状和颜色,需要向载物片的上下两面照射自然光。The incredible shapes and colours of the boozy artwork are highlighted by shining natural light on top and through the bottom of the slide.

和平饭店整晚的化装舞会、美味的酒宴和幕后交易,都曾被列为称为东方巴黎的大都会——上海的传奇之中。The all-night costume balls, boozy dinners and back-room business deals are things of legend in this city once known as the Paris of the Orient.

所以说,单纯考虑游戏性的话,一关玩上半个小时就已经显得足够蠢了,但是想要获得高分,则需要你花上几个小时甚至数天的时间。It's silly enough to suit a boozy post-pub half-hour, but to really take its pulse you'll need to play for several hours straight, day after day.

这对喜欢寻欢作乐的双胞胎姐妹连续两晚在聚会上喝得酩酊大醉。第一次是在比华利山,19岁的詹纳被人用照相机拍下了手拿酒杯的镜头。The fun-loving twins were at boozy parties two nights in a row, the first a Beverly Hills bash where Jenna, 19, was photographed holding a drink.

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有一次在亚马逊河谷某处一家名叫麦克劳伊的酒吧中他对一个醉醺醺的轮船驾驶员说,她留给我的比我留给她的要多。"She left me with more than I left her, " he said once to a boozy riverboat pilot in a place called McElroy's Bar, somewhere in the Amazon basin.

询问任何一个通宵醉酒后醒来的隐形眼镜佩戴者,你就会发现他们的眼睑肿胀,而隐形眼镜则令人可笑的从充血的眼睛里跑了出来。Ask any contact-lens wearer who has woken from a boozy night out to find their eyelids gummed up and lenses screaming to be removed from bloodshot eyes.

从外表看,他是生活中的一个不可救药的失败者——51岁、嗜酒如命、半文盲、时常轻度触法,在铁窗后渡过不少时光。By all appearances, he was one of life's chronic losers, a boozy 51-year-old semi-educated petty criminal who had spent a substantial portion of his life behind bars.

米酒和烧酒,这些日本传统的酒类饮料曾是日本中年男性的最爱,而如今,它们已成为时尚泡吧族的新宠。Sake and shochu, traditional Japanese drinks that were once derided as old-fashioned and the tipple of boozy middle-aged men, are enjoying a boom among trendy young drinkers.

艺术家吉尔伯特和乔治在20世纪70年代与档案材料展的策展人吃午餐,喝得酩酊大醉,几乎花掉了泰特美术馆年招待费的十分之一。The artists Gilbert and George spent nearly a tenth of the Tate Gallery's annual entertainment budget during a single boozy 1970s lunch with curators, archive material shows.

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为了上周刚出生的小艾维琳,约翰夫人减少了她“酩酊大醉”的社交活动,这位来自布莱克本22岁经理不知不觉中戒烟戒酒。Evelyn, born last week, required Ms Johnson to curtail her "typically boozy" social life. The 22-year-old office manager from Blackburn instinctively stopped smoking and gave up alcohol altogether.