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你可以告诉我ATT对方付款的号码吗?Could you tell me the ATT collecting call number ?

条约应具有普遍性、客观性和非歧视性。The ATT should be universal, objective and non-discriminatory.

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当元素的"att"属性值设置为"val"时,匹配成功。Match when the element's "att" attribute value is exactly "val".

罗马正在寻找一个好的前锋,而怎么可能是个不知名的呢。Rom a is looking for a great att acker and cannot take an unknown.

在车展上,有最新的几个款式展出。Att the Car Exhibition, several of the latest models were on display.

当元素设置了"att"属性时匹配成功,而不论属性值是什么。Match when the element sets the "att" attribute, whatever the value of the attribute.

一个观测者从另一个行星看地球将可能称其为海洋之神。An observer, looking att he earth from anot her planet, would be likely to call it Oceanus.

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进了圣波尔,他在最先见到的客栈里解下了马,叫人把它带到马房。At Saint-Pol he had the horse unharnessed att he first inn he came to and led tot he stable.

起初我对它出现错误信息感到失望,但那是因为在FAT32格式下。Att first I was disappointed when it gave an error message because the product comes in FAT32 format.

拍摄录影带的时候二人正在蜜月期,如胶似漆,分不开半步。Att the time the two of them were in the honeymoon stages of the relationship and couldn't keep their hands off each other.

在惠普,由美国和法国工程师组成的跨国团队被委派共同开发一个裤软件工程。Att Hewlett-Packard, a cross-global team of U. S. and French engineers were assigned to work together on a software project.

当她看见美洲狮时,美洲狮立刻掉头而逃,椐专家证明,美洲豹除非被逼得走投无路,是决不会伤人的。It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not att ack a human being unless it is cornered.

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当元素的"att"属性值是一个以空格分割的“字”的列表,并且其中之一为"val",匹配成功。Represents an element with the att attribute whose value is a white space-separated list of words, one of which is exactly "val".

在对来袭鱼雷和反鱼雷鱼雷的相对位置进行了分析研究,将受控对象的动态方程进行简化,建立了反鱼雷鱼雷的动态方程。On the basis of analyzing relative orientation of ATT and enemy torpedo, we simplified the dynamical equations of the control object.

分析结果表明,传统的后缘调制、前缘调制以及STT调制都是ATT调制的特殊情况。It is pointed out that conventional trailing-edge modulation, leading-edge modulation and STT modulation are special cases of ATT modulation.

耐候性钢材应谨慎使用,因为表面机械磨损经常会大幅度降低其抗腐蚀能力。Weathering steels should be used with caution as their resistance to corrosion is often significantly reduced by mechanical wear att he surface.

任务是为计划攻击鸭绿江河口一家化学工厂的美军战斗轰炸机中队提供护航。The flight's mission was to protect a squadron of USAF fighter-bombers th at was scheduled to att ack a chemic al pl ant at the mouth of the river.

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虽然2008年他将地产权益转让给了枫谷牧场公司,但在他死时他仍拥有资产中的未知股份。Though he transferred the estate's title to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company in 2008, he still owned an unknown stake int he property att he time of his death.

仿真结果和实验结果均表明,基于ATT调制的数字V2控制算法具有比基于STT调制的数字V2控制算法更好的稳定性。Simulation and experimental results show that the control performance of digital V2 controlled buck converter with ATT modulation is better than that of the one with STT modulation.

此行的目的地是克罗地亚,在那里来自ATT贝彻尔及其它十家公司的首脑将要求政府官员在战后前南斯拉夫的重建中发挥更大作用。The destination was Croatia , where executives from ATT , Bechtel and 10 other firms would press government officials for a larger role in the postwar reconstruction of the former Yugoslavia.