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在我的作品中,我驱散了外部力量。I expel all outside forces in my works.

空气从肺部排出来。When we exhale we expel air from our lungs.

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当我们呼气时,肺所排出来的是二氧化碳。The lungs expel carbon dioxide when we exhale.

这种解毒药有那么强,能驱散毒素吗?Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison?

一旦他们来了,就很难驱逐他们出境,这将演变成一个社会问题。Once they are here, its very difficult to expel them.

两个女孩逐出他们的灌肠入桶,在全视图。Both girls expel their enemas into buckets, in full view.

但空军从来没有想到过驱逐这个小组。But it never occurred to the Air Force to expel the group.

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有没有什么好办法立即驱逐桑曼呢?That there is no good way to immediately expel Sandman then?

一九七三年中共中央决定开除其党籍。In 1973 the CPC Central Committee decided to expel the party.

这些租客完全漠视房东要把他们驱赶出去的威胁。The tenants disregarded their landlord's threat to expel them.

从嘴或风箱中往外送气。To expel a current of air, AS from the mouth or from a bellows.

注射器吸满漱口液,接上针头,排出注射器内空气。Fill the syringe with solution, attach the needle and expel air.

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我感觉到的疼痛,学名叫做肾绞痛,就是我的身体竭力排除结石的反应。The pain, termed renal colic, was my body straining to expel it.

干咳指不从呼吸道排出痰液的咳嗽。A non-productive cough does not expel sputum from the respiratory tract.

中国需要驱除鞑虏,掌握自己的命运。It needed to expel the foreign invaders and take control of its destiny.

月经期间,子宫会收缩帮助子宫内膜脱落。During menstrual periods, your uterus contracts to help expel its lining.

还有一项严令,我要给你留校察看。很不幸,这意味这再有一个错误,我就得开除你。Which means, unfortunately that one more slip-up and I have to expel you.

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许多现代事业单位驱逐的空气从后面,但只有从电源本身。Many modern PSUs expel the air from the rear, but only from the PSU itself.

感染者咳嗽、打喷嚏、讲话或吐痰时,就会喷出这种细菌。When infectious people cough, sneeze, talk or spit, they expel the bacteria.

Berea威吓要开除那些不在学校所属食堂吃饭的学生。Berea threatened to expel students who ate at places not owned by the school.