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刘海以0角度平剪处理。Cut the fringe by 0 degree.

她额前有刘海儿,戴着眼镜。She has a fringe and glass es.

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请将我殿前的头发再剪掉一点。Please trim the fringe a bit more.

刘海以低角度处理。Sculpture the fringe in low angle.

那个女孩子额前梳着刘海。The girl wore her hair in a fringe.

头发齐肩,并留长的刘海。Shoulder length, with a long fringe.

这可能就颇有争议了。That may be a little bit more on the fringe.

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可以附带影响选民配对结果如何呢?Can fringe voters affect the Pairwise result?

刘海以点剪手法处理。Continue sculpt the fringe with point-cutting.

妳的浏海被我剪得太短了!Your fringe has been cut too short. I am sorry.

我的留海儿长了,有空得去剪剪。I'll go to have my fringe cut as it is too long.

公司打算增加我们的附加福利。The company plans to beef up our fringe benefit.

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而抗议活动并不仅是一个边缘现象。And the protests are not just a fringe phenomenon.

我还把头发颜色染深,并让刘海儿长长消失。I also let my hair go darker and grew out my fringe.

作为科学家,他也同样一直徘徊在科学界的主流边缘。As a scientist, too, Perutz was always on the fringe.

断点图标同样显示在边框或边栏上。Breakpoint icons also appear in the fringe or margin.

你们像雨点一般从天边落下。You like the raindrop falling from the fringe of sky.

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首先是前额这部分的头发,比如说刘海。First, this part of the hair, forehead, such as fringe.

但是在这两个国家,民族主义情绪都将会被激起。In both countries, a nationalist fringe will be nettled.

它的边缘就是生活中遇到的种种不寻常的事。The fringe of those actions cause some oddities in life.