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资金之转投资及其盈亏之估计。Estimate of capital reinvestment and its profit and loss.

第一步,我们必须通过经济复苏和再投资议案。Step number one, we have to pass an economic recovery and reinvestment plan.

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协助财务经理完成有关利润再投资,公司保险等相关工作。Help finance manager at adhoc assignment, such as insurance and profit reinvestment.

中国人都很节俭并且将他们大部分的钱都存下来作为在投资的资本。The Chinese people are frugal and save most of their money for reinvestment capital.

奥巴马周一时表示拥有一个平稳复苏和再投资的方案非常紧要。Obama on Monday said it's "very important to have a balanced recovery and reinvestment package."

研究表明,再投资回报率和不良贷款处置损失率是影响银行处置其不良贷款的主要因素。The result shows that reinvestment return and loss rate are the key factors to the disposal of the NPL.

联邦政府对房屋上涨的第二个贡献是社区再投资法。The federal government’s second contribution to the increase in housing prices was the Community Reinvestment Act.

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再投资不满五年撤出的,应当缴回已退的税款。If the investor withdraws its reinvestment before the expiration of a period of five years, it shall repay the refunded tax.

现在奥巴马已经准备接任了,他很快就要签署一项紧急议案“美国重振和再投资计划”。Now that Barack Obama is in town, he will soon sign into law with great urgency the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan."

再投资不满五年撤出的,应当缴回已退的税款。in case the reinvestment has been withdrawn before the expiration of five full years, the amount of refunded tax shall be paid back.

所有息票债券都或多或少得带有这种再投资利率风险—息票越高,风险越大。All coupon-bearing bonds carry this reinvestment rate risk to a greater or lesser extent — the higher the coupon the greater the risk.

显示外资在选择投资标的时会考量企业在大陆的转投资家数来选择是否增加持股或降低持股。This study shows that foreign investors choose investment targets based on the number of reinvestment of Taiwanese firms in Chinese companies.

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他希望离开华盛顿,向全美国民众展示这项经济复苏和再投资计划的内容。"He wants to get out of Washington and show people all across America the benefits of what is inside this economic recovery and reinvestment plan," said Gibbs.

在美利坚合众国,妇女从减税中受益,使得小企业主可以保留收益,将其用于再投资和扩展业务。In the United States of America, women benefited from tax relief that allowed small-business owners to retain earnings and use them for reinvestment and expansion.

在任职期间,他加强1977年颁布的社区再投资法,来促使抵押贷款发放机构放宽借贷规则,以使得更多弱势的借贷者得以获得房屋贷款的资格。He beefed up the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act to force mortgage lenders to relax their rules to allow more socially disadvantaged borrowers to qualify for home loans.

纯收入主要用于再生产投入和当年生活消费支出,也可用于储蓄和各种非义务性支出。Net income is mainly used as input for reinvestment in production and as consumption expenditure of the year, and also used for savings and non-compulsory expenses of various forms.

企业按照合同约定进行再投资的,应当将投资收益按照合同约定支付给最终收款方。If the enterprise makes a reinvestment according to the contractual stipulations, it shall pay the investment proceeds to the final recipient according to the contractual stipulations.

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经济计划,包括为了保证未来能维持现行的生产水平而进行的再投资、为了扩张而进行的新投资,以及对新企业进行投资的种种决策,都是面向未来的。Planning, which includes decisions on reinvestment to maintain current levels of production into the future, new investment for expansion, and investment in new enterprises is future oriented.

那些通过美国复苏与再投资法案接受资助与贷款的项目,如公路维修,必须每季度提供关于资金使用情况的报告.Those who receive grants and loans through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for projects such as highway repair are required to make quarterly reports on how the money has been spent.

中国并没有给美国制定利率,发放资金或者通过法案像是更新“社区重新投资法案”或者“联邦房产集团财政安全和稳定法案”。China did not set U.S. interest rates, increase the money supply and pass laws such as the updated Community Reinvestment Act or the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act.