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不要浪费你辛苦赚来的钱。Don't squander your hard-earned money.

有生的瞬间遇见你,竟花光所有力气。Have a moment to meet you, to squander all strengths.

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不要把你旳时间浪费在读那些胡编乱造旳廉价小说上。Don't squander your time in reading those dime novels.

不要把你的时间浪费在读那些胡编乱造的廉价小说上。Don't squander your time in reading those dime novels.

如果我们浪费这些投资,历史将对我们作什么样的评判?How will history judge us if we squander that investment?

仅此一次,给我们的车它们应有的外表。Don't squander your disposable income on a disposable car.

他们说,要是一次交了她定要花光,也许要花在醉酒上呢!But they said she'd no doubt squander it, perhaps in drink!

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一生只得一次的半熟时光,难道不能用来挥霍?Only one of the semi life time, can not be used to squander?

没有任何借口允许你浪费上下班路上的时间。There really are no excuses to squander your commuting time.

那么就不要浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of.

如此这般你就不会浪费你的努力或专心了。This is so that you don’t squander your efforts or concentration.

我的孩子对理财一无所知,总有一天会荡尽家财。My kids know nothing about money and will squander the family fortunes.

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吸引力法则就象这个精灵,所以不要把你的潜在力量挥霍在一些小事情上。The Law of Attraction is like a genie. So don't squander your potential on small things.

于是我们挥霍着宝贵的睡眠时间,游荡在一个不存在的感情世界里。So, we squander a valuable sleep time, loitering in a world of the non-existent feelings.

然而为何昔日民主的南非共和国愣是费尽周折将曾经饱受赞誉的道德领导力挥霍一空?Why has democratic South Africa done so much to squander its once acclaimed moral leadership?

然贪官污吏中饱私囊,大兴土木浪费挥霍,希望只能化作泡影。But hopes are dashed as corrupt officials pocket the money or squander it on grandiose projects.

你也不知道,他们是否能够兑现股票持有者,它们不会挥霍未来。You also don't know that they'll give them to the equity owners they won't squander in the future.

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如果没有完美地计划的缓冲措施,我们将会把时间浪费在在一个又一个工作之间团团转,却没有做成任何事情。Without well-planned buffers, we squander time switching from task to task without accomplishing much.

因此上周的这个大新闻实际显示的是北京是如何‘浪费’了它的法律和经济的制高点。So the big news from last week is the way Beijing managed to squander its legal and economic high ground.

相对的,依靠布什充当阿拉伯人和穆斯林人的挂名负责人所赚来的钱,奥巴马也不会轻易使用。And Obama wouldn't squander the capital he has accrued from Arabs and Muslims by making Bush his front man.