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他的无礼是不可宽赦的。His rudeness is inexcusable.

在如今的世界,这几乎是不可原谅的。In today’s world, this is practically inexcusable.

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在第一次约会时,即使是5分钟也不能迟到。Even five minutes of lateness is inexcusable on the first date.

宽恕就是原谅那些根本无法辩解的事情。Forgiveness is about pardoning things that are essentially inexcusable.

相对于性,处女更看重金钱,而天秤认为这简直不可原谅。Virgo is more interested in money, than in sex. Libra finds it inexcusable.

潘基文在峰会的开幕式上说,如果不采取行动,“在道义上难辞其咎”。Mr. Ban opened the meeting by saying it would be "morally inexcusable" not to act.

有些人可能觉得我这是在试图原谅或者为这些根本不能原谅的言论辩解。Some will see this as an attempt to justify or excuse comments that are simply inexcusable.

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在我脑海中最不可原谅的是,我们曾经像囚徒一样被关在吉达的家中。Most inexcusable in my mind is that we were kept as virtual prisoners in our home in Jeddah.

尽管很难兼顾,但我喜欢这样,我觉得我干得不错,除了犯了一个不可原谅的错误。It was hard, but I enjoyed it and believed I did it pretty well except for one inexcusable mistake.

当美国队拿到一连串的角球,英格兰队的防守出现了不可饶恕的犹豫。There was inexcusable indecision from the England defence as the United States won a barrage of corners.

影像不仅撼动每一个叙利亚人,而是全世界的人.用酷刑来恐吓示威者,令他们停止说出诉求.不能接受,不可原宥.This video moved not only every single Syrian, but people worldwide. It is unacceptable and inexcusable.

否则何谈原谅?原谅就是宽恕本身没有道理的事情。Otherwise what would there be to forgive?Forgiveness is about pardoning things that are essentially inexcusable.

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这种暴力行为毫无道理。但是确实有一些机场工作人员用一种纳粹般的精神故意拦下旅客。Inexcusable violence but a few Airport staff deliberately provoke passengers with their 'Ihre Papiere bitte' mentality.

而德国足坛名宿拉特克也站出来支持勒夫,表示库兰伊这个决定是“不可原谅的”。Rathke playing football and Germany have also come out in support of Love, Kuranyi, said the decision was " inexcusable ."

还有其他对医疗人员的歧视行为,更毫无理性和不可原谅。There were other overt discriminatory treatments meted out to medical staff, which were utterly irrational and inexcusable.

显然,把它们重组为像先前那样的私人企业会是一个不可原谅的错误。Clearly, it would be an inexcusable mistake to reconstitute them as private companies in anything close to their prior form.

其他人也指出,大多数男人都认为性骚扰是不可饶恕的行为,不论加害者是男人还是女人。Others also pointed out that most men would condemn such incidents as inexcusable behaviour, no matter who was the perpetrator.

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称伊拉克人完全有能力自己支付却让美国纳税人支付,这是不可原谅的。L. says it is inexcusable that U. S. taxpayer are counting to pay for projects that Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves.

列文表示,美国纳税者不停地给那些伊拉克有充分能力自给的项目提供资金是不可宽赦的。Levin says it is inexcusable that U.S. taxpayers are continuing to pay for projects that Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves.

面露愠色的奥尔布莱特说,这个电脑的丢失给美国的安全带来了巨大的威胁,这是无法容忍和不可宽恕的。A clearly annoyed Madeleine Albright said the loss of the laptop computer put the security of the United States at risk and was inexcusable and intolerable.