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一个被留下还剩四个。One got in chancery , and the there were four.

一个被留下还剩下四个。One got in chancery , and then there were four.

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这个使馆包括两栋独立的建筑和一个住宅区。The grounds include two chancery buildings and a residence.

只有少数几个州继续保持独立的衡平法院。Only few States continue to maintain a separate chancery court.

我认为或许衡平法院从那以后就为此而感到遗憾。I think perhaps the Court of Chancery might have regretted that since.

令状是从文秘署处获得,那是一个独立的国家机关。Writs were obtained from the Chancery Writ Office, a department of state.

原告的指控和被告的辩护被提交给了司法衡平法院的主事官.The plaintiff’s account and defendant’s response were filed with a master in chancery.

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一些令人惊骇的故事,在驻华沙的外国大使间交口相传,内容涉及一些外交礼仪混乱,发生在他乱成一团糟的总统官邸。Foreign ambassadors in Warsaw traded horror stories about protocol snafus in his chaotic chancery.

本校学生在剑桥英语考试均考获优异成绩。The overwhelming majority of Chancery Students who take these exams pass with exceptional results.

最初大法官法院的工作构成了现在大法官分庭工作的基础。The work of the old Court of Chancery forms the basis of the work done today by the Chancery Division.

国王十字车站东南方是环线上的法灵顿站,附近是中央线上的大法官法庭小路站。South-east of King's Cross is Farringdon, on the Circle Line, and nearby is Chancery Lane, on the Central Line.

但是,普瑞德先生,我得提醒您一下,我妈妈得知我的大法庭巷工作计划时,我们之间免不了会有一场战争的。Only, mind this, Mr Praed, I expect there will be a battle royal when my mother hears of my Chancery Lane project.

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由工部主事六品之官,直做到户部、兵部和吏部尚书一品大员。Industry by the six principal officers of goods, direct families to do, and Li Bu Hyobu a chancery officials goods.

专职机构为九卿系统下的鸿胪寺和尚书系统的主客司两个部门。Jiuqing system for the allied agencies David bunch Temple, and the guest of honor Secretary chancery these two departments.

这是大法官分庭的一个法庭,由一名熟悉公司事务的法官独任主持程序。This is a court of the Chancery Division where proceedings are tried before a single judge who is familiar with companies work.

本法院由大法官分庭的管辖权而设立,其司法职能通常由一名破产登记官履行。This court comes under the jurisdiction of the Chancery Division and its judicial functions are usually discharged by a Registrar in Bankruptcy.

在法院小街东头,说得更清楚一些,也就是在柯西特大街的库克大院里,法律文具店老板斯纳斯比先生经营他那合法的买卖。On the eastern borders of Chancery Lane, that is to say, more particularly in Gook's Court, Cursitor Street, Mr. Snagsby, law-stationer pursues his lawful calling.

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我父亲像我一样是一个十足的理性主义者,只不过他在我三岁那年便过世了,而衡平法院裁定我应当享有获得基督教教育的权益。He was quite as much of a Rationalist as I am, but he died when I was three years old, and the Court of Chancery decided that I was to have the benefits of a Christian education.

不过这个案子是涉及信托法的——这是经过几个世纪由大法官法院在正义、公平和良心的基础上发展起来的衡平法的一部分。However the case concerned the law of trusts, a part of the law of equity developed by the Court of Chancery over the centuries on the basis of justice, fairness and good conscience.

外交部长罗慕洛也对斯德哥尔摩的决定表示遗憾,考虑到两国的双边贸易稳步增长。Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo has expressed regrets over Stockholm's decision to shut down its chancery considering that the bilateral trade between the countries is growing.