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这是典型蹠腱膜的症状,你有没有平足呢?This is the symptom of typical zhi tendinous film do you have flatfoot ?

解剖后暴露中指伸肌键和展腱膜。The extensor tendon and unfold tendinous membrane of middle finger were exposed.

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结论对于陈旧性跟腱断裂,小腿三头肌V-Y肌腱瓣修补术是一种方法简单、疗效满意的手术方法。Conclusion The V Y tendinous flap is a simple and good method for treatment of old rupture of the Achilles tendon.

观察脱垂的二尖瓣瓣膜与腱索,测量瓣膜脱垂的范围。The prolapsed mitral valves and their tendinous chordae were viewed. The ranges of valvular prolapse were measured.

熟悉这些解剖内容,有助于桡神经受压综合征的诊断与治疗。Understanding these tendinous structures is helpful in diagnosis and treatment of the radial nerve compression syndrome.

临床表现以发热、腹泻、肢体感觉障碍、深部腱反射减弱或消失为主。The main clinic signs were fever, diarrhea, sensorial disorder of extremity, weakened or disappeared deep tendinous reflect.

局部封闭配合枕后腱弓松解是治疗颈源性头痛的有效方法之一。Regional block in combination with loosening pulvinar tendinous arch is one of the most effective way to treat the cervical headache.

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瓣膜反流的程度与脱垂范围的大小无正相关,与腱索损害的严重性有关。The degree of valvular regurgitation was not related with the range of prolapse and was related with the severity of tendinous chorda injury.

临床表现为急性、对称性、弛缓性肢体瘫痪,腱反射消失,面瘫和周围性感觉障碍。Clinical expression is acute, symmetry, atony sexual limbs breaks down, tendinous reflex disappears, face paralysis and all round the gender feels an obstacle.

结果收缩期脱垂的二尖瓣表面粗糙并向左房膨出,可伴有腱索异常。Results The surfaces of the prolapsed mitral valves showed rough and accompanied with abnormal tendinous chordae , and their bodies projected into left atrium during systole.

目的观察枕后腱弓松解治疗颈源性头痛的临床疗效,并探讨其与血清C反应蛋白的关系。To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of loosening the pulvinar tendinous arch in order to treat the cervical headache and to investigate their relationship with the serum C reactive protein.

冈下肌上半部份的长的腱性部分,前方成弧形并延伸至肱骨大结节最前外部的最高凹陷处。The infraspinatus had a long tendinous portion in the superior half of the muscle, which curved anteriorly and extended to the anterolateral area of the highest impression of the greater tuberosity.