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进行新品种选育具有重要意义。New variety breeding of cyclamen has important significance.

本文主要介绍了仙客来的栽培技术。This article mainly introduced the cyclamen cultural technique.

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有些开花植物像杜鹃花和樱草都喜欢较低的温度。However flowering plants such as azaleas and cyclamen like cooler temperatures.

对严重为害仙客来的萎凋病进行病原菌分离纯化,并进行致病性测定。Isolation of pathogenetic fungi of cyclamen stem wilt have been done and predisposition tested.

用不同复合基质对仙客来进行基质栽培试验。Cyclamen persicum was carried on with substract culture testing by using of different complex substrate.

仙客来观赏价值高,主要作为盆花生产,有些地区也作切花生产。Cyclamen is very valuable in ornament, it mainly for potted flower, but some areas produced for cut flower.

仙客来作为一种喜凉爽不耐高温的观赏植物,在栽培过程中易遭受高温伤害。Cyclamen is one kind of ornamental flowers, which is fond of coolness and could not endure high temperature.

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最后,通过外施外源抗氧化剂,对提高仙客来的耐热性进行了初步尝试。Finally, using antioxidant, preliminary chrictiristic to improve the heat tolerance of cyclamen was researched.

试验进行了不同基质材料对仙客来萌发及幼苗期生长的研究。The influence of different substrates on the germination and growth of cyclamen was studies in this experiment.

研究了仙客来叶柄和球茎脱分化过程中核酸的动态变化。The continuous change of nucleic acid in the process of dedifferentiation of cyclamen stalk and bulb are studied.

其次,对仙客来不同品种间及不同苗龄间的耐热性进行了比较。Secondly, the heat tolerance among ages of different seedlings and the different varieties of cyclamen were compared.

从试验统计数据中可以看出,4号营养液处理的仙客来植株在生长势上和各种生理指标上要高于其他营养液处理的仙客来。Statistics from the test data, we can see that on the 4th of nutrition Cyclamen plants in growth potential and physiological indicators than other nutrition of cyclamen.

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仙客来属多年生球根草本花卉,是近年来我国北方地区较为流行的春节室内名贵盆花。Cyclamen persicum is perennial herb of Composite flower, It is a popular famous potted flowers in Interior during the Spring Festival in the North of China in resent years.

我还不会忘记去订购“玫瑰女皇”,这是供移栽的最好的一种花,我计划将它与仙客来一起种在开阔的木兰花树丛底下。I will also remember to get C 'Rose Queen', as it is one of the nicest for naturalising, and I plan to have it coming up with Cyclamen hederifolium under a grove of open magnolias.

首先,研究了不同温度对仙客来幼苗生长发育的影响,对苗期耐热性生理基础及耐热性指标筛选进行了分析。Firstly, the impact of temperature on cyclamen seedling growth was studied, and the physiological traits of the heat tolerance and heat tolerance index in seedling stage were analyzed.

仙客来产业的快速发展使其现有和潜在市场不可估量,生产者要想赢利,就必须生产出高品质、低成本的产品。The rapid development of the cyclamen industry has witnessed an inestimable potential of market. In order to make profits, producers must produce products of high quality with low cost.

耐热性较强的法国和日本仙客来品种死亡率较低,而耐热性较弱的荷兰品种死亡率较高,表明死亡率也可以作为鉴定仙客来耐热性的一个间接指标。Meanwhile, the fibrous roots, the number of leaves, the thickness of leaves and epidermis of leaves in cyclamen seedlings could be used as their morphological index for heat tolerance qualification.