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他们是悔改的罪人。They are repentant sinners.

求您保守我们常存受教和悔改的心。Please keep out hearts receptive and repentant.

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他不会,也不能远离那些悔改的罪人。He will not, He cannot stay away from repentant sinners.

他很坦然地对自己缺乏阅读技能表示后悔。He was openly repentant about his lack of reading skills.

但是,奇怪的是,看起来小要这次才是改悔的一方。But oddly, Kaname seemed to be the repentant party, this time.

只有真心悔过,才有权利获得第二次机会。Only the truly repentant at any right at all expect a second chance.

她的宝贝孩子即将怀着悔罪和体贴的心回到她的身边。Her darling boy was to come back to her repentant and tender-hearted.

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耶稣在十字架上流下了神圣的血,把所有一切悔改的罪人都接纳进了上帝的家中。He shed his divine blood to connect all repentant sinners to God's family.

综观张抗抗的文学创作,得知人终必向人的神性忏悔。From Zhang Kangkang's works, we will ultimately repentant to the divinity of humity.

彼得应许悔改的犹太人,他们将透过洗礼接受赦罪之恩。Peter promises the repentant Jews that they will receive forgiveness through Baptism.

能挽救一个悔过人的命,岂不等于是延续了自己儿子的生命?Saving the life of a repentant lad-isn't that equivalent to prolonging his own son's life?

诗人从悔改的心里说出以色列历史的消极面。The psalmist speaks from a repentant heart, showing the negative side of Israel's history.

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当我们失去了满目葱笼的世界,生存环境越来越恶劣时,我们才幡然悔悟。People are truly repentant only when they lost the green world and lived in bad environment.

一个忏悔的精神是种润滑油来打破在婚姻关系中循环的责备。A repentant spirit is the healing balm to breaking the cycle of blame in a marital relationship.

“只有当我们的做法这样一个忏悔铭记我们可以说有”发达的菩提心。Only when we practice with such a repentant mind can we be said to have developed the Bodhi Mind.

神伸出双手等待我们和赦免我们,祂与悔改的罪人和好。God awaits us with outspread arms, ready to forgive. He offers reconciliation to repentant sinners.

你是否是一个有所悔悟的挥霍浪费者,觉得所有这些节俭行为看起来是那么有吸引力?By Tara Conry Are you a repentant spendthrift who's thinking that all this frugality is looking pretty sexy?

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每一个真诚悔改的基督徒,即令没有赎罪券,也同样可以被赦罪或免罪。Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon.

但每一次推脱学习后,我都会很后悔,因为我又浪费了很多时间,因此你会觉得这是我的错吗?After the events every time, however, I always be repentant of what I'm doing. So can't you want to say this is my fault?

有谁能帮我翻译一下这段话急用谢谢“曾经有一份真挚的感情摆在我的面前,我没有好好的珍惜,等到失去以后才追悔莫及。At one time there was a piece of sincere love placed before me which I didn't cherish, I was so repentant just as I lost it.