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就像野猫。你知道,很可怕的!It's, Iike, bobcat. You know, it's scary.

或者问过山猫它为何龇牙带笑?Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

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或者问问咧嘴露齿的虎豹为何咆哮?。Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned ?

或问过为何短尾猫会龇牙咧嘴?。Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

每个山猫都会用一种独特的方法把自己的领地标上记。Each bobcat will use a single method to mark its territory.

美国人说到野猫,他们通常指的是猞猁。When Americans say wildcat, they usually mean a lynx, an ocelot or a bobcat.

亚利桑那州的一些酒吧老顾客被前门的一个疾跑的山猫吓了一跳。Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trotted in the front door.

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亚利桑那州的酒吧顾客被一只从前门窜进来的山猫给惊吓到了。Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trot ted in the front door.

不必担心其余的软件包,因为这场比赛将产生另一个山猫在城里。Don't worry about the rest of the packages, as the game will generate another bobcat in town.

你可曾听过荒野之狼仰对蓝色秋月的嗥叫声?或问过咧齿的山猫为何微笑?Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

有人看到一只受惊的山猫在被一只饥饿的狮子追赶后,趴在50英尺高的仙人掌上。A terrified bobcat was spotted teetering on top of a 50ft cactus after running for its life from a hungry lion.

相反地,为什么家猫会变得肥胖和懒惰,而和它接近基因的野猫却很健康。Conversely, why does the house cat grow obese and lethargic, while a bobcat with nearly identical genes stays fit?

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第一眼,当你确定你看到的是美国短尾猫时,你慢慢地转向它,你的目光落在这伟大的充满野性的动物上。At first glance you are sure that you have just seen a bobcat , you slowly turn and your gaze falls upon this magnificent and untamed looking creature.

Bobcat将会在2009年上市,功耗会少于10w,AMD甚至说Bobcat的核心少于1w功耗也是可行的。Bobcat is scheduled to arrive in 2009. The chip will be built for power envelopes of less than 10W, although AMD says as little as 1W for the CPU core alone is possible.

当美国人说到野猫时,他们通常指的是一种山猫,豹猫或短尾山猫。这些猫攻击目标时迅速、凶猛。因此野猫代表着迅速,凶猛的事物。When Americans say wildcat, they usually mean a lynx, an ocelot or a bobcat. All these cats attack quickly and fiercely. So wildcats represent something fast and fierce.

这双脚曾经踢死过三只恶狼,一只山猫,踩死无数条毒蛇,还把祁连山上声名狼藉的恶盗“多云天空”踢下悬崖。This pair of feet had kicked three hungry wolves and a bobcat to death. squashed countless vipers, an kicked Cloudy Sky, the notorious bandit of Mount Qilian, off a cliff.

藤壶群落的生命周期、毛茛田地的季节性形态变化或山猫家族的行为都已经是众所周知的了,但是,如果有的话,是什么原则引导了这三个群落的变化?The life cycles of barnacle communities, or the seasonal pattern of buttercup fields, or behavior of bobcat clans were all known, but what principles, if any, guided all three?

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在阿富汗库纳尔省的野马观测站,美国陆军第27步兵团的士兵正在山顶将轻型拖拉机从淤泥中拖出来。U. S. Army soldiers from the 27th Infantry Regiment pull a bobcat tractor out of the mud at their mountaintop position at Observation Post Mustang in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.