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我需要把这个提议定案。I have to finalize this proposal.

之后白耀祖又说服了单纯的拉拉,做成一笔交易。After Bai Yaozu persuaded pure lala, finalize a deal.

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北京奥组委的志愿者招募工作将于2008年5月底截止。BOCOG will finalize the recruitment drive by the end of May 2008.

完结所有履行工作相关的工作底稿文本。Finalize working paper documentation related to all work performed.

与测试人员协作,最后确定每个故事的验收标准清单。Collaborate with testers to finalize the acceptance criteria list for each story.

文莱和西科斯基公司将努力最后完成协议的条款和条件。Brunei and Sikorksky will now work to finalize the terms and conditions of the deal.

你也许会好奇你是否需要因为水星的逆行而作出定论。You may be wondering whether you should finalize any of this with Mercury retrograde.

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做休闲女包,定型女包,晚装包,编织包。Do the leisure female bag, finalize the design female bag, evening gowns packet, woven bag.

他们甚至还没有确定码流格式,更不用说在全球推广VP8。They aren't even ready to finalize the bitstream format, let alone switch the world over to VP8.

▼据称阪神大地震灾区的区域再规划蓝图终于完成了。The city is said to be about to finalize its blueprint for post-quake rezoning and redevelopment.

就是为了确认今年冬令发放的名单。The reason was to finalize the name list of recipients for the winter distribution later this year.

目的是要最终确定专门的农业项目融资的网站布局。Objective is to finalize the layout of a website dedicated to the financing of agricultural projects.

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两个方法最后都加上一前置滤波器,来达成整体系统的设计要求。Both methods use a prefilter to finalize the design in order to achieve the overall system requirements.

通用汽车公司称在确定腾中不能完成收购之后将逐步终止悍马的运营。GM said it would wind down Hummer operations after concluding Tengzhong would not be able to finalize the deal.

世卫组织将完成行动计划中尚未敲定的内容,并估算行动计划所涉的费用。WHO will finalize the outstanding components of the plan of action and estimate the cost implications of the plan.

克莱斯勒一直寻求与菲亚特签署援助协议,并力图让债务协议拍板定案.Chrysler has been seeking a rescue deal from the Italian automaker while also trying to finalize its debt agreement.

中国将在今年9月二十国集团杭州峰会前完成参加协定的国内法律程序。China will finalize domestic legal procedures on its accession before the G20 Hangzhou Summit in September this year.

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付款面议。我们准备好支付款项,但我们需要看到一些演示,才完成该项目。The payment is negotiable. We are ready to pay nice amounts but we need to see some demo before we finalize the project.

Zukunft说,在决定何时完成任何特定地区的业务涉及到与所有有关各方进行讨论。Zukunft said determining when to finalize operations in any given area involves discussions with all interested parties.

确保及时、高效、保质、保量完成用户委托的生产任务。We will finalize our customers authorized productive task high-efficiently by best quality and quantity assurance on time.