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那么LHC的科学家们希望找到些什么呢?So what do LHC scientists hope to find?

从那时起,LHC计算网格的发展路线就确定了。From there, the path to the LHC Computing Grid was set.

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那不可能。对撞机可是在地下隧道里呢。That's impossible. The LHC lies in an underground tunnel.

但本月初,科学家们将质量更大的铅离子注入了大型强子对撞机。But earlier this month, heavier lead ions were injected into the LHC.

HC排放成分中LHC占有很大比例,其中乙烯和丙烯最多。LHC especially ethene and propylene were the majority components of HC emissions.

但是,如果粒子物理学家能拿下这个项目,下一个大型强子对撞机就能为自身买单了。But hey, if particle physicists get this one down, the next LHC could pay for itself.

这部美国的机械和建于欧洲的年夜型强子对撞正在竞赛,看谁是第一个确定希格斯粒子。The US machine and the Europe-based LHC are competing to be first to identify the Higgs.

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除此以外,在LHC预计超过15年的生命周期里,所有的数据都须是可用的。In addition, all data need to be available over the 15 year estimated lifetime of the LHC.

LHC和空间项目对人类都至关重要——如果人类不想一代代笨下去并最终灭亡的话。Both the LHC and the Space program are vital if the human race is not to stultify and eventually die out.

即使1千1百5十亿粒子伏特的爆炸没有发生,这一机会也相当难得,因为这将很快为大型强子对撞机带来更多有趣的结论。Even if the 115 GeV bump goes away, chances are good that the LHC will have more interesting results soon.

如果LHC真的发现了弦存在的证据,这也将为额外的维度提供证据。Oh, and if the LHC does find evidence for stringballs, this would also provide support for extra dimensions.

和超对称一样,特彩意味著LHC会找到一堆奇特的粒子。Like supersymmetry, technicolor implies that the LHC will set free a veritable menagerie of exotic particles.

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作出采用分布式计算的方式来管理LHC数据的首要考虑还是金钱。The primary reason for the decision to adopt a distributed computing approach to managing LHC data was money.

随着大型强子对撞机收集越来越多的数据,超对称性理论将需要更多干预性手段对粒子质量进行调整。As the LHC collects more data, SUSY will require increasingly intrusive tweaks to the masses of the particles.

LHC实验产生的数据将分布到全世界,同时在CERN用磁带保有一份主备份。Data from the LHC experiments is distributed around the globe, with a primary backup recorded on tape at CERN.

现在,大型强子对撞机以高能量疾速累积数据,排除了超粒子存在于较大领域的可能性。The LHC is now rapidly accumulating data at higher energies, ruling out heavier territory for the super particles.

首先,科学家们甚至不能确定这种粒子是否存在,也不能确定LHC是否有产生它的能力。To begin with, scientists aren't even sure that the particle exists – or whether the LHC is capable of creating it.

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经过对数据的处理后,对撞机通常会输出一些色彩斑斓的图片——向四面八方喷射的微粒子。The LHC currently produces colorful images as an output from the data — sprays of particles in different directions.

霍金还说,不管实验成功与否,我们都能从实验结果中得到很多关于宇宙结构的奥秘。"Whatever the LHC finds, or fails to find, the results will tell us a lot about the structure of the universe, " he added.

但LHC也同样被计划用于重铅离子的相对论性对撞来帮助物理学家们窥探时间开始时的情形。But the LHC is also designed to collide heavy lead ions relativistically to help physicists peer back into the beginning of time.