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我是一名教是吗?Am I a teacher?

一个女老师。A female teacher.

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我们的老师选择。Our teacher dran.

美术老师马先生。Art teacher Mr Ma.

彼得虚度了一生。Peter is a teacher.

老师同意了。The teacher agreed.

一个老师打了911.A teacher calls 911.

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老我妈妈师是。My Mom is a teacher.

这是女老师。That is the teacher.

王老师没教过我们历史课。I taught the teacher.

机噐老师说。Machine teacher said.

马修是个老师。Matthew is a teacher.

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我的老师是赵女士。My teacher is Ms Zhao.

周南是一位老师。Zhou Nan is a teacher.

昌宇是一位老师。Chang_woo is a teacher.

老师领读,纠正个别发音。Read after the teacher.

老师请说说看。Teacher Please tell us.

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祝老师桃李满天下!I wish the teacher have!

她是我们的数学教师。She's our maths teacher.

那个升旗的老师就是我。That flag is my teacher.