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电视应当试着去启迪大众。T. V. should attempt to edify the masses.

他们试图用音乐陶冶这孩子。They tried to edify the child with music.

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还有别的更好的书,能更造就我吗?Are there better books that would edify me more?

阅读能培养人的性情,陶冶情操。Reading can cultivate people's temperament, edify sentiment.

本软件陶冶情操的同时给您艺术的享受。This software edify sentiment while giving your art enjoyment.

音乐是人生的快乐,也是陶冶儿童性情的熔炉。Music can brings us happy for a whole life, edify children's character.

无论瑜伽还是静修,都能让在自然的熏染下完全放松。Whatever yoga or retreat, can let in natural edify down completely relax.

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这一派诗人的作品既有很强的感染力,更易对人们的情感进行熏陶。This school of poets' works has very strong power and can edify people's emotion.

惟有健康的生命才有健康的见证,这才荣神益人。A healthy life will shine forth a healthy testimony, which will glorify God and edify people.

你知道,我是个不可救药的人,宗教对这种问题的看法对我没多大教益。You know I'm such a graceless dog that these religious aspects of such subjects don't edify me such.

运动不但能强健身体,还可以陶冶情操,锻炼大脑的思维能力。Sports not only can strong body, still can edify sentiment, training the thinking ability of the brain.

1951年到河北文联工作半年,阅读了大量文学名著,深受孙犁作品熏染。In 1951 to hebei federation work half year, read many of the literary classics, deeply sun li works edify.

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所以我们务要追求和睦的事,与彼此建立德行的事。Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

我觉得他们的文章总在某些方面对我有所启发,起码,我知道了自己心底也是对别人的种种非常之有兴趣的。I like to think that these essays edify me in some way, but at the very least they appeal to the voyeur in me.

我父亲是个当地小有名气的画家,我虽说没接触过训练,也许还是受这方面的熏陶或遗传吧!My father has a little bit famous at local, although I didn't get any educate, maybe has some edify or heredity!

我认为我的朋友鲁克夫人目前的工作既不会使我感兴趣,也不会给我带来影响。I do not suppose the situation my friend Mrs Rooke is in at present, will furnish much either to interest or edify me.

古诗词教学是对学生进行知识传授、思想教育和情感陶冶的重要途径。Teaching ancient poetry is an important channel to impart knowledge, cultivate ideology education and edify the emotion.

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认为音乐可以陶冶情操吗?还是仅仅是一种娱乐?认为音乐是生活不可或缺的一部分吗?Do you think the music can edify sentiment or it's only a form of amusement? Is music an indispensable part of life to you?

感受布贴画简洁、概括、粗犷的形式美感,陶冶美的情操。Enjoy the aesthetic feeling about concise, general, straightforward cloth paste pictures. Edify Ss'the sentiment of beauty.

园林石组不仅有着共同的观赏价值,并且能够陶冶情操,给大家无尽的精神享用。Landscape stone not only share a common set of ornamental value, and can edify sentiment, give you endless spirit to enjoy.