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我收藏的钢铁侠公仔也会在我睡觉的时候看着我吗?Does my Iron Man collectible figurine watch me when I sleep?

你觉得古董车拍卖火热的原因是什么呢?What do you think is driving the strong sales of collectible cars?

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还有我爸,站在屋顶上,用我妈的富兰克林珍藏版碗碟玩双向飞碟射击。And my Dad's on the roof skeet shooting her Franklin Mint collectible plates.

二十世纪七十年代之前的旧式牛仔在世界各地的市场上都以高价收购。Vintage denim, which is pre-1970s, is highly collectible with a world-wide market.

这种情况极少发生,而且通常限于只有为数不多的优质收藏品的情况。This is rare, and often limited to sales with few lots in highly collectible sectors.

几乎所有珍、奇、美的东西都有人收藏,而郁金香把这三项特点全占了。Almost anything deemed beautiful, rare or new was collectible. The tulip was all three.

收藏的文章均来自互联网络公开发表的本人认为有收藏价值的经典之作。Collection of articles were published from the Internet, I think the classic collectible.

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举世钞迷皆知它是能收藏到的一枚最早期纸币。It is a piece known world over by banknote enthusiasts as the earliest collectible paper money.

但是,可回收程序集中的代码可以使用在其他位置定义的上下文绑定对象。However, code in collectible assemblies can use context-bound objects that are defined elsewhere.

路过的风景,经历过的往事,唯有,放在心间,永久,珍藏。Pass by scenery, experienced the events of the past, only, put in the heart, permanent, collectible.

产品包括金笔、墨水笔、宝珠笔、原子笔、打火机、收藏笔等。Products include pen, fountain pen, roller pen, ball pen, lighter, limited edition pen, collectible pen.

她还说,一些中国媒体经常宣传象牙的收藏价值,这进一步刺激了象牙需求。Some Chinese media, she added, often promote the collectible value of ivory, further stimulating demand.

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私人收藏品保险是一个好主意,如果集合是双方的宝贵金钱和情感。Private collectible insurance is a good idea if a collection is valuable both monetarily and emotionally.

这可能是因为海外财富的不断增加,以及美国以外的买家对具有收藏价值的汽车的需求。That may be due to rising wealth overseas and global demand for collectible cars from buyers outside the U.S.

让您的作品可以超越地域的界限,让您的作品可以成为更多女性的真爱珍藏品。Let your entries beyond geographical boundaries, so that your work may become more female deed collectible items.

然而,最终,邮票改变了主意,和包括特色莫里西现在非常罕见的,收藏。Eventually, however, Stamp changed his mind, and the covers featuring Morrissey are now very rare and collectible.

采购产品家具,家具配件和设备,枕头,枕头,硬纸盒。Furniture, Furniture Fittings and Fixtures, Pillows, Pillows, Bandboxes , Collectible Plastes, Furniture, Floorcloth.

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不过,也可能意味着具有收藏价值的汽车的最高价格可能与股市和最高收入脱节。But it may also suggest that the top prices for collectible cars may be de-coupling from the stock market and top incomes.

他说这些“可收藏的活动娃娃销售对象为年龄更大一些的群体,他们的年龄应在14岁至30岁之间。”He says it's a "collectible action figure line marketed toward an older audience, somewhere between 14 and 30- something."

从这方面来说,这使得收藏品看起来更真,这对于收藏家来说是非常重要的。To this one might also add that the collectible is seen as having more authenticity, an all-important word to the collector.