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1999年三月,我初认识广顺。March 1999, I first know KS.

堪萨斯州的邮政缩写是KS。The postal abbreviation for Kansas is KS.

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这是一个具有许多龙脖子和头部。This is a dragon that has many nec ks and heads.

研究也侧重于KS的患者的医疗需求。Our research also focuses on the medical needs of KS patients.

我住在堪萨斯州东北部,已经阅读极移将如何影响堪萨斯州。I live in NE Kansas and have read how the shift will effect KS.

我在兰辛长大,毕业于兰辛高中。I grew up in Lansing, KS and graduated from Lansing High School.

办公室的状况根本不可能使人专心。Conditions in the office made concentration impossible. ks. 54yjs. cn.

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该专机用于加工经编机上的关键零部件槽针床。The machined is used to process the key spare parts of KS tricot machine-Slot.

然而,这些患者的临床特点不令人回味的KS。Nevertheless, the clinical features of these patients were not evocative of KS.

在去世前,她希望能够通过自己的艺术作品感动世界上每个角落的人。Before she dies, ks wants to affect people from all over the world with her art.

最后,分析图书情报学与知识学之间的关联。Finally, the relation between library and information science and KS is analyzed.

如上定义组是皇尾缘厚度参数。As mentioned in the definitions section, KS is the trailing edge thickness parameter.

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真正的真理开始都是可憎的,或至少是令人不舒服的,和那个时代业已形成的至理名言相抵触。Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attac ks upon the accepted wisdom of the time.

如果人们忽视了过去的伟大成就,那只能是因为这些成就已经不再满足现今的需要了。If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these wor ks no longer answer the needs of the present.

不仅考虑了K_s值沿深度分布的非线性,而且考虑了其随荷载大小而变化的非线性。Suggestel formula is taken account of not only nonlinearity of Ks with the depth but also its variation with the loading.

2006年,上海高乐食品技术有限公司,联合德国KS和英国老牌食品公司解决了这一难题。In 2006, Shanghai Gaole Fodtech Co. , Ltd united with Germany KS and the England Famous Brand Food Company grasped the above technology.

作为猪产品的技术专家,精通猪产品的作用、特点和使用方法,为客户与团队成员做产品与技术培训。As a technical expertise of KST team, proficient in product function and usage. Provide product and technical training for clients and KS team.

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此外,通过对10个CNN网络进行KS检验统计量的比较,证实该方法比图形方法具有更好的拟合效果。Furthermore, it has been verified to have higher goodness-of-fit than graphical methods by comparing the KS test statistics for 10 CNN networks.

在此背景下,观想和想象非常相似,是经历KS中提到的任何一种技术的很有效且强有力的方式。In this context, visualization is akin to imagination, and is an equally valid and powerful mode of experiencing any of the techniques presented in KS.

爱滋病的第一个病例可能发生在1979年,但直到大量的年轻人患卡氏肿瘤的现象被报道,该病例才开始引起人们的注意。The first cases of AIDS probably occurred in 1979, but the disease was not noticed until an inordinately large number of young men with KS was reported.