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“我是一名受害者”。I am a victim.

她的儿子是一位受害者。Her son was a victim.

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我认为我是一个受害者。I believed I was a victim.

蛇会对受害者分泌粘液。The snake slimed his victim.

你和受害者起过争执吗?Did you ague with the victim?

你和受害者起过争扰吗?Did you argue with the victim?

那些歹徒打伤了受害人。Those guys striked the victim.

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那些歹徒打伤了受害人。The gangsters struck the victim.

受害人被窒息致死。The victim was smothered to death.

受害者胸部被刺了一刀。The victim was knifed in the chest.

他是一次蒙面抢劫的受害者。He is the victim of a masked holdup.

如何拒绝——魅力值不再做受害者。How to say no – stop being a victim.

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捏紧患者的鼻子。Pinch closed the nose of the victim.

受害者为一把短剑所伤。The victim was stabbed with a dagger.

学会拒绝——不再做受害者。Learn to say no---stop being a victim.

Macs已成我自己成功后的被害者。Macs have become a victim of their own

我的朋友是一个撞了人就跑绰了的牺牲品。My friend was a victim of hit-and-run.

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另外一种意义上的感情游戏就是降服。Another form of game-playing is victim.

我扮演着法官,陪同审判团,罪犯和遭到杀害者。I play judge, jury, convict and victim.

依然相信,其实双汇也是受害者。Still believe that it is also a victim.