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你去玩吧。You go play.

让我们来玩吧!Let' s play !

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我们打扑克.We play cards.

我演奏四弦琴。I play ukulele.

打羽毛球?Play badminton?

做生面团玩。Make play dough.

多玩点游戏!Play more games!

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多玩游戏。Play more games.

你打高尔夫球吗?Do you play golf?

你打得好吗?Do you play well?

他便开始演奏起来。He began to play.

我吹笛子。I play the flute.

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我们来玩抛球接球。Let's play catch.

咱们玩逃学吧!Let's play hooky!

让我们奏乐。Let's play music.

来跟我玩吧。Come play with me.

或者去打网球。Or go play tennis.

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做20个问答题.Play 20 questions.

它每天都在我心中播放。I play it everyday.

让我们玩转天空。Let's play the air.