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费用是一大问题。Cost is one issue.

④费用率低。Fourthly, cost low.

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这顿饭花了本人们30英镑。The meal cost us 30.

这几乎是成本价。It is almost at cost.

它一文钱不值。It won' t cost penny.

阿每线成本较低。A lower cost per lead.

另一项成本是犯罪。Another cost is crime.

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这取决于油费了。It depends on the cost.

但是有哪些代价呢?But what about the cost?

那个小瑜花吗?Does that small Yu cost?

那会花你一大笔钱。It'll cost you a packet.

工程造价管理。Project cost management.

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这支笔花了我五元。This pen cost me 5 yuan.

这顿饭花了我们30元。The meal cost us 30 Yuan.

这支笔花了我10元钱。The pen cost me ten yuan.

这张票花了40便士。The ticket cost 40 pence.

维修成本和备件价格较高。Cost of maintance is high.

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招聘职员,须能计算成本。Clerk wanted, able to cost.

这台录音机花了你多少钱?。How did the radio cost you?

你得花两角五分钱。It will cost you a quarter.