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那个小男孩很任性。The boy is rather headstrong.

我相信你可以,你是个倔丫头。I believe you could. You’re a headstrong girl.

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在他心里早就有个憎恨拿破仑的顽固小人儿了。There was in him a headstrong little man who hated Napoleon.

克诺比曾是一个任性的少年,渴望成为绝地。Kenobi was a headstrong adolescent who longed to become a Jedi.

那个男人顽固任性,经常固执已见地决定自行其事。The man is SO headstrong that always determines to have his own way.

主教练邓利维能否适应这样一支充斥着过分自信射手的球队?Can Coach Mike Dunleavy adapt to a team filled with headstrong shot- jackers ?

想像一下,一个顽固的19岁青年能够任凭自己的意志扭曲时间!Imagine a headstrong nineteen-year-old youth able to warp time itself to her will!

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莱娅倔强的儿子阿纳金,在领导一次深入遇战疯人敌后作战的壮举中英勇献身。Leia's headstrong son, Anakin, died in a heroic mission into Yuuzhan Vong territory.

目的探讨联合用药治疗顽固性心力衰竭的疗效。Objective To investigate the curative effect of synergsim on headstrong heart failure.

科罗布有个任性而精力旺盛的少年学徒——德雷克·洛甘。Corobb had as his apprentice the headstrong and energetic young Padawan, Drake Lo'gaan.

我也希望Headstrong作为一个工作室能为系列做出真正的贡献。I also hope that Headstrong as a studio itself makes a real contribution to the series.

下着倾盆大雨,我们叫他不要走,但他顽强如牛,向大雨冲去。It was raining cats and dogs. We told him not to go, but he was as headstrong as a bull.

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翎儿在我眼里,永远都是孩子,只是有时会做些任性事罢了。Linger in my eyes, the children will always be, but sometimes things just do headstrong.

单纯在我身上再也无法体现了,也许现在的我可以用刁蛮,任性来形容了。Simple to me no longer reflects, maybe now I can use to describe the unruly, headstrong.

他大多数时候是个非常倔强和刚愎自用的人,但我想他骨子里是很脆弱的。He's a very headstrong and mulish person most of the time, but underneath I think he's quite vulnerable.

就是他们偶然有点转不过弯,我也不和他们争执,他们接下来就规行矩步了。Even if they get a little headstrong once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave themselves.

这让倔强的贝尔·伊布利斯很不爽,他有对起义军该如何抗争有非常独到的见解。This was troubling for the headstrong Bel Iblis, who had very distinct views on how a Rebellion should be fought.

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R2经常顽固地追求刺激,导致他们常常陷入冲突和冒险。Time and again the two weathered strife and adventure, often the result of Artoo's headstrong zeal for excitement.

可亚特兰大是她的同辈,带有青年时代的莽撞味,并且像她自己那样倔强而浮躁。But Atlanta was of her own generation, crude with the crudities of youth and as headstrong and impetuous as herself.

如果这个解决方案对你那勇往直前的女儿还是太过严厉的话,那她就是那个无理取闹的人。If that solution still proves too draconian for your headstrong daughter, then she is the one who is being unreasonable.