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他是个手艺平平的厨师。He is an indifferent cook.

他只淡然一笑。He only smiled indifferent.

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对未来抱无所谓态度,看破往事,寻求刺激。Indifferent towards the future.

迟钝,木然、冷漠。dull, callous, and indifferent.

罗兰夫人于是对后代的问题也冷淡漠然。Mme Roland is indifferent to posterity.

毁誉无动于衷,荣誉在所不计。——李泽厚。Be indifferent to depreciation or honor.

不过他对外国食物也很热衷But he was not indifferent to foreign food.

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那些淡漠褶皱的情丝,被谁等闲的扯碎。Those indifferent fold love, who is easy to.

封她来说,他是谁,根本是无关紧要的事。It was utterly indifferent to her who he was.

天知道,我是个不露声色的情人。God knows, I have been a very indifferent lover.

他对我的生命真的是这样完全漠不关心吗?Is he actually so utterly indifferent for my life?

又是雾霭沉沉。谁的梦是如此的漠然。It is a heavy mist. Who dreams are so indifferent.

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早知道感情丗届如此冷漠。Knew early the sentimental world is so indifferent.

世界各地的风俗习惯不同。Social customs vary indifferent parts of the world.

不管人家理不理解我,我都无所谓。I feel indifferent whether I am comprehended or not.

笑过,闹过,吵过,哭过,而今我需求的是冷峭。Laugh, make, quarrel, cry, now I need is indifferent.

不去怨,不去恨,淡然一切,往事如烟。Not to blame, not to hate, indifferent to all the past.

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我不会在您抚爱我时显得清高和冷漠。I will not remain aloof and indifferent when you pet me.

世界各地的风俗习俗不同。Sociing customs vary indifferent partistry of the world.

他对于他那多产的创作力漠不关心。He was as indifferent to his powers as they were prolific.