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一片焦土。Scorched dEarth.

一群伟大的科学家死后在天堂里抓迷藏。A group of great scientists lived in heaven after dearth.

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在缺少高射炮的时候,我们利用了各种各样的巧妙方法。In our dearth of ack-ack guns all sorts of contrivances were used.

当谈及到优秀的戏剧艺术时,日本一点也不缺乏。When it comes to outstanding thespian arts, Japan suffers no dearth.

但是比起顾客减少,贷款不足才是大问题。Lack of custom is, however, less of a problem than a dearth of credit.

也有不乏酒吧,酒馆,咖啡馆,当然还有酒吧。There is also no dearth of bars, bistros , cafés, and of course, pubs.

由于缺乏现场证据,因此出现了各种假设性解释。The dearth of evidence on-site gave rise to various explanatory hypotheses.

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岩石王艾维斯普雷斯利有你能想象的最好的生活,拥有花不完的钱。King of rock Elvis Presley had the best life one can imagine with no dearth of cash.

嗜甜成瘾的人总能找到含糖汽水的替代品。People who crave sugar will find no dearth of substitutes for sugar-sweetened sodas.

李开复认为问题在于中国缺乏天使投资和早期指导。The trouble is there’s a dearth of angel capital and early stage coaching, Lee says.

现实社会之所以充满丑陋和罪恶,就在于还缺少美或美还处于劣势。The real society is full of ugliness and evil, only because it is in dearth of beauty.

而在也门,这名官员说,他们严重缺乏有关基地组织行动的可靠情报。In Yemen, officials said, there is a dearth of solid intelligence about Qaeda operations.

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总而言之,技术给了我们过高的热量,又减少了能量支出。In sum, technology has given us this surfeit of calories and dearth of energy expenditure.

医疗服务的极度缺乏,在暴力犯罪个体身上更是表现明显。The dearth of care is most evident when it comes to individuals who commit violent crimes.

返城民工的短缺使得这周的招募工人变得饥不择食。The dearth of returning migrants set off a desperate scramble this week to recruit workers.

恋爱中的水瓶男既浪漫又多情,你们的爱情里绝对少不了浪漫情调。Aquarius man in love is also very romantic and amorous and there will be no dearth for romance.

很快这个欺骗者的臭名远播,便没有顾客了。Soon there will be a real dearth of customers as the cheater's putrid reputation becomes known.

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他们之间的爱情将是天长地久、至死不渝而又浪漫美好的。Both of them love a long lasting relationship and there will be no dearth of loyalty and romance.

曾几何时,这里因为缺乏文化和艺术活动,被称为文化沙漠。It was once labelled a cultural desert because of its dearth of cultural and artistic activities.

印度实货市场供给的缺乏使得该国银价较伦敦现货银的升水持稳在每盎司0.4美元.A dearth of supplies in the physical market in India is keeping premiums steady at 40 cents an ounce.