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排水系统有“分流制”和“合流制”。Sewerage systems are either "separate" or "combined".

车库没有排污设备,小店主的吃喝又都在这儿。No Sewerage garage, the small shopkeepers have gone further here.

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对地下结构的主要形式之一城市给排水管道的震害进行了研究。The earthquake damage to water supply and sewerage pipelines is studied.

酒店内建筑及所有场地的地下管道、地漏和阴井的清理、疏通。Clean and dredge all underground drainage pipe, floor traps & sewerage pits.

排水系统将来自每家每户,办公室和工业中的废水排到水中。Sewerage systems carry wastes from homes, offices, and industries into water.

通过尿液,这种化学物质进入波河和污水处理系统。Through urine, the chemical found its way into the Po and the sewerage system.

但是根据巴瑟杰的记录,一个好的污水处理系统可以持续150年。But, judging by Bazalgette's record, a good sewerage system can last 150 years.

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这是非常基本的生活,没有污水收集系统和每日会收集污水。It was very basic with no sewerage system and the effluent was collected daily.

水的污染源主要来自工业、农场以及排水系统。The pollutants that affect water come mainly from industries, farm, and sewerage systems.

污水处理不足会传播血吸虫病、沙眼、病毒性肝炎和霍乱。Inadequate sewerage spreads infections such as schistosomiasis, trachoma, viral hepatitis and cholera.

在四个现代化的进程中,各城市的排水系统将进行现代化建设。In the progress of the Four-modernization movement, the sewerage systems of the cities will be modernized.

WQ型系列污水污物潜水电泵是一种性能可靠,用途极为广泛的污水污物处理用泵。WQ series submersible sewage pump is a reliable, uses an extremely wide range of wastewater sewerage pump.

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作为回应,国际复兴开发银行正在制定一项以污水系统和污水处理为核心内容的规划贷款机制。In response, IBRD is preparing a programmatic lending facility centered on sewerage and wastewater treatment.

但是作为一个城市来看,这里的供水、供电、交通设施都在正常运转。There are still whiffs of sewerage in some of the streets, and some eating establishments looking less than sanitary.

下坡路走到一半,欧德在社区公共项目——公共厕所那里停下,这个项目的目的在于使排泄物的问题得以解决。Halfway down the slope, Oduor stopped at a community project designed to help end the sewerage problem – a public toilet.

总体上来说工业污染的比重有所减小,而生活型污染的比重趋于增加。On the whole, industrial pollution proportion was decreasing while domestic sewerage has being shown the increasing tendency.

于是,马尼拉水务公司和梅尼拉德供水服务公司申请延长其特许经营期限,以便完成污水系统建设目标和污水处理目标。Accordingly, MWCI and MWSI have sought extensions of their concession periods to meet sewerage and wastewater treatment targets.

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以日本下水道事业发展为依据,详细论述了排水工程设置的必要性、功能与作用。According to the development of Japanese sewerage engineering, the necessity and function for sewerage engineering are presented.

下南南哥隆邦商店旁的污水管铺设工作导致该处的居民诸多不便。The sewerage pipe laying job next to the Kolombong shop in Inanam is indeed creating a nuisance to the people living in the area.

合流制排水系统溢流调蓄技术是控制面源污染、削减污染负荷的一项关键技术。The storage technology of combined sewerage overflow is a key technology to control the surface pollution and cut pollution load.