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你有两个台球。You have two billiard balls.

咱们打一局台球吧。One billiard ball impinged on another.

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他一再用白垩粉擦他的球杆尖。He chalked his billiard cue again and again.

那么台球的角色究竟是什么呢?What's the role of the billiard balls at all?

同样的道理,我们看待台球也是一样。And we seem be to be the same with billiard balls.

你知道龙洞街的桌球室吗?去过吗?。Do you know billiard saloons in the Longdong Street?

台球渐渐地滚过台面。The billiard ball travelled gently across the table.

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就像是台球在,台球桌上发生弹性碰撞。It is like an elastic collision between billiard balls.

桌球室、健身房等更是娱乐健身的好去处。Billiard rooms and gym room are quite nice places to go.

我把它们想象成具有有限尺寸的台球。I am modeling them as billiard balls of a finite dimension.

这个石墨块是和,台球的大小一样。And this graphite pebble is about the size of a billiard ball.

当我看到台球的时候,究竟是何物使得它们展现出这样的状态呢。What is it that brings it about that I see the billiard balls.

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我们有健身房,台球室,棋牌室和舞厅。We have gymnasium, billiard room, bridge chess room and dance hall.

游戏用鼠标左右移动让弹球击到砖块。Billiard down for the game using the mouse to move around the blocks.

就像台球开球一样,最初的星系看起来非常容易碰撞。Like racked billiard balls, nascent galaxies were more likely to collide.

最棒的是地下室有我的弹子房和健身室!The best part is I have my very own billiard room and gym in the basement!

约翰爵士到底是什么意思,家里也不辟个弹子房?Whatthe devil does Sir John mean by not having a billiard room in his house?

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我们在梅园大道上一家弹子房中坐下要了热咖啡。We sit down in a billiard parlor on the Avenue du Maine and order hot Coffee.

想象一下台球的运动,一个球对另一个球的撞击。Think about the motion of billiard balls, one billiard ball bashing into another.

柳州工贸大厦附近哪里有台球室?多少钱一个小时?Where has a billiard room edifice of Liu Zhou City industrial and trading nearby?