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我的帐篷是防水的。My tent is waterproof.

他们在帐篷里面吗?Were they in the tent?

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他现在睡在一个帐篷里。He sleeps in a tent now.

帐篷里全是水!The tent was full of water!

大卫跑到了萨奥的帐篷。David rushed to Saul's tent.

易寒子被绑在帐篷内。Easy Hanzi tied in the tent.

我们在这儿支起一顶帐篷如何?Shall we set up a tent here?

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我们该把帐棚放哪呢?。Where should we put the tent?

你在帐蓬里睡过觉吗?。Have you ever slept in a tent?

他停下来,搭起了帐蓬。He stopped and set up his tent.

大兵在搭帐篷。Soldiers are putting up a tent.

斯特格斯·欧文跑回本身的帐篷。Sturges Owen ran into his tent.

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哦,不,在兰色的帐蓬上方。O no! from that blue tent above.

汽灯照亮了帐篷。The pressure lamp lit up the tent.

他们在小溪边搭了一个帐篷。They pitched a tent by the stream.

那边的那座大帐篷是做什么的?What is that huge tent over there?

他需要一顶帐棚和一个手电筒。He'll need a tent and a flashlight.

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它从附近的一棵树上注视着帐篷。He eyed the tent from a nearby tree.

帐篷里有三张台子。There were three tables in the tent.

我们支上帐篷,生起篝火。We set up a tent and made a bonfire.