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自带咖啡,同上。Give up coffee. Ditto.

同理适用于书和blog。Ditto for books and blogs.

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当我停止吸烟时同上。Ditto when I stopped smoking.

从文件上传也一样要复杂些。Ditto for uploading from a file.

对于伟大的工程或目标来说也是一样。Ditto that for any great project or goal.

教育和上课方面,也是难以预测。"Whaaat? " Ditto for education and classes.

接下来重复双向可伸缩性测试。Ditto on the bidirectional scalability test.

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同样有点怪的还有他在黑蛇呻吟中扮演的布鲁斯乐手。Ditto his slightly odd Blues-man in Black Snake Moan.

这些服务员态度生硬,服务不周,经理也一样。The waiters were rude and unhelpful, the manager ditto.

作为Nisu同上,虎I和II需要他们的现实的速度。Ditto as Nisu, Tiger I and II need their realistic speeds.

中国人有一个脸在胸上的怪物,欧洲人也有。The Chinese have a face-on-my-chest monsters, ditto the Europeans.

愉快的聚餐也一样,如果你的穆斯林同事不来参加,你就理解一下。Ditto for a happy-hour mixer. If your Muslim co-worker takes apass, understand.

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用套件的形式做的盒装餐似乎也不太可能让人愉悦,蛋糕也一样。Meals that come boxed in kit form also seem unlikely to bring joy, ditto cakes.

对于我们的穿衣打扮及我们喜好的音乐等琐碎之事,也会这样传播。Ditto less serious things such as the clothes we wear and the music we listen to.

同样的“佳绩”也可能发生在篮网人身上,只要卡特重拾自己联盟前10球员的声誉。Ditto for the Nets, if Carter regains his reputation as one of the game's top 10 players.

巴基斯坦与印度有同样多的人才,也可以由一个阿克巴似的人物领导,整个阿拉伯世界也是如此。Pakistan, which has as much human talent as India, could use an Akbar. Ditto the Arab world.

同样地,如果工作中,你谈论新的金融数据分析系统而她抓住你说的每个字不放,也是她喜欢你。Ditto if she hangs on every word you utter about the new financial data analysis systems at work.

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爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、罗马尼亚和捷克共和国等新丁也如此,它们已经在战斗区部署。Ditto newbies Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, and the Czech Republic which have deployed to combat areas.

此外,莫仕同上极化住房几何防止错配和摩擦锁可以防止意外脱落。In addition, Molex Ditto polarised housing geometry prevents mis-mating and friction lock prevents accidental disengagement.

有一种想法认为中国经济会是世界的一枝独秀继续强劲增长是一种幻想。同样哪些认为中国将会拯救全球经济的观点也是十足的幻想。The idea that China can grow strongly as the world unravels is a fantasy. Ditto for the view that China is going to save the global economy.