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他侥幸躲过了被扔进巴哈马监狱。He'd narrowly escaped being thrown into a Bahamian jail.

巴哈马群岛早餐---巴哈马群岛的早餐一定会有粗燕麦粉。A Bahamas breakfast – to be a Bahamian breakfast it must contain grits.

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巴哈马官员正准备对约翰·卓佛塔的儿子进行尸检。Bahamian officials are preparing for an autopsy on John Travolta's son.

由于巴哈马政府拒绝承认,在美国的破产案被驳回。The United States case was dismissed in September because the Bahamian government refused to recognize it.

骑士足球俱乐部是一家巴哈马足球俱乐部,座落于首都拿骚,目前参加新上帝足球联赛。Cavalier FC is a Bahamian football club based in the capital Nassau, which currently plays New Providence Football League.

在二千九,一组科学家花了两个月的研究,包括巴哈马群岛安德罗斯和阿巴科蓝洞。In two thousand nine, a team of scientists spent two months researching blue holes on Bahamian islands including Andros and Abaco.

而这些当地的印地安居民,用他们不同的背景,传统和信仰,组成了今天我们所见到的特别的巴哈马文化。Bahamian culture has gained a lot of native customs from the local Indian people who populated the Island of Bahamas over the centuries.

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双方去年达成了一项初步协议,过去七个月则在接受北京方面和巴哈马政府的审批。The parties reached a preliminary agreement last year and spent the past seven months getting nods from Beijing and the Bahamian government.

池畔烧烤提供专业喜欢巴哈马加勒比烧烤,海鲜,和“埃克苏马蓝,”酒店的招牌鸡尾酒。The poolside grill offers specialties like Bahamian barbecue, Caribbean jerk seafood, and the "Exuma Blue, " the resorts signature cocktail.

该影片充满了巴哈马美丽风光,让人几乎想马上收拾行李,消失在这小岛之中。"This film is so chock full of Bahamian beauty, I am a hair away from packing a bag and disappearing to the island myself. "-South Florida Times.

翻阅那本几年前的厚厚的房屋指南时,我读到了关于小比利的故事,它是一只曾造访过这所房子的巴哈马曲嘴森莺。In reading the thick manual on the house that had accrued over the years, I read about Billy Boy, a Bahamian bananaquit bird that visited the house.

Steadman声称,在Abaco和其它巴哈马群岛上有许多蓝洞,但是这个是首个挖掘出年数久远化石的蓝洞。There are many blue holes on Abaco and other Bahamian islands, but this is the first to be the site of a sophisticated fossil excavation, Steadman said.