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抹不掉的爱,忘不掉的情!Indelible love, forget it!

这些错误是不可否认的。The mistakes are not indelible.

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墨水留下一个洗不掉的污渍。The ink made an indelible stain.

这将成为他记忆中一个不可磨灭的污点。It will remain an indelible stain on his memory.

另外,我们还要求使用字迹无法消除的墨水。We have also asked for the use of indelible ink.

奶酪上存在的污点是擦不掉的。The stain of cheesiness that remains is indelible.

历史不可磨灭,国耻不能忘却。Indelible history, can not forget national humiliation.

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他泼出来的果汁在地毯上留下了去不掉的痕迹。The juice he spilled left an indelible mark on the carpet.

那件丑闻给政府带来了难以洗掉的耻辱。The scandal entailed on the government indelible disgrace.

然而书中不朽的人物和场景设置仍值得一提。But its indelible characters and set-pieces still deserve mention.

2008年参加花花公子爵士海上巡游,我又遇上了一次令人难忘的表演。On the 2008 Playboy Jazz Cruise, I saw another indelible performance.

在巅峰状态,泰森的比赛总是留下难以磨灭的印记。During his prime, when he fought, he always left an indelible imprint.

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白雪中只留下我的脚印,而小木屋在我心中留下了记忆。I left only footprints in the snow. But the cabin's mark on me was indelible.

能够把自己的话记录在擦不掉的墨迹之中,这还是件小事吗?To be able to record one's own words in indelible ink--was that a slight thing?

可以说反证法为数学所建立的功勋是不可磨灭的。Mathematics can be said to be required to build on the achievements is indelible.

大部分我们所赞赏的“大创意”都是以不可磨灭的鲜明个性影响品牌。Most of the "big ideas" we all admire imbue the brand with an indelible character.

一位国会议员在近期的一次辩论中建议,引发骚乱者应该被刺青。One MP in the current debate also suggested rioters be sprayed with indelible ink.

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他在国务部、在我国乃至全世界都留下了不可磨灭的印迹。And he left an indelible mark on this Department, on our country, and on the world.

你在一张搞怪猫的图片下面哈哈了一下,你的这个哈哈就会被一直记录在你的活动记录里了,删不掉了。LOL at a lolcat and your LOL gets logged for all time on your indelible activity record.

这对年轻人约会的农田代表了看不见却难以忽视的分界线。The farmland where the young couple met represents an invisible but indelible dividing line.