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把豆腐整平一下。The tofu leveling.

我是团长,我们冲级啊!I am the head of our leveling ah!

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练级时我应该加什么天赋?What Spec should I be while leveling?

螺丝扣是用来平衡吊臂的。The turnbuckle is used for leveling the arm.

你也找平你的专业以及。You are also leveling your profession as well.

现在这个劳动人口的规模趋于稳定。Now the size of the work force is leveling off.

图示为底脚不平整,需调整底脚高度,使机器保持水平。You may adjust the leveling legs to keep it level.

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但惩戒天赋依旧是升级和单练最常用的天赋。But is the most used role when leveling and soloing.

对吸附模型和整平机理进行了深入探讨。The adsorption model and leveling mechanism were studied.

而你在外面找平抢占追求每一次当你得到的。While you're out leveling grab a quest each time you get.

做好施工现场布置和三通一平工作管理。Make scene arrangement and three supplies and one leveling.

路床整形采用刮平机,局部人工配合找平。Road-shaping machine used Guaping, local artificial leveling.

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水性系统或无溶剂紫外线硬化系统使用之流平剂。Water based or solvent free UV curing flow and leveling agent.

即使在一个周日的下午,工人也在平整通路。Even on a Sunday afternoon, crews were leveling an access road.

平板、平尺尺寸过大,则会使平板变形。Flat, leveling ruler size is too big, can make flat deformation.

三发顺桨,不能继续爬高,3600米保持。No. 3 engine feathered unable to continue climb, leveling at 3600m.

涂装一道厚涂层可以提供更好的流动性和流平性。Painting a thick coating can provide better liquidity and leveling.

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GPS水准的单一模型在逼近高程异常曲面时其拟合效果往往不稳定。The results of those simple model of GPS leveling are often unstable.

现场三通一平工作已到位。The site "three connections and one leveling" condition is available.

为了和除美国38个州和日本以外的高度文明看齐?For leveling with highly civilized society out of 38 US states and Japan?