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离开克瑞斯和巴克斯,维纳斯便心灰意冷。Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold.

谷神星和灶神星都将成为吸引人的课题。Ceres and Vesta will make for interesting subjects.

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实际上,谷神星可能有冰层覆盖而且大气稀薄。Indeed, Ceres may have ice caps and a thin atmosphere.

谷神星70配有睡袋压缩带和一对冰镐环。The Ceres 70 includes sleeping pad straps and dual ice tool tubes.

狄奥多罗斯叙述亚特兰蒂斯人并不知道谷类女神的果实。Diodorus Siculus recorded that the Atlanteans did not know the fruits of Ceres.

这场四人越狱计划发生在巴西中部亚斯州刻瑞斯市的一座监狱里。The four hatched their escape plan at a jail in Ceres in the central Brazilian state of Goias.

在火星和木星的轨道间分布着小行星带,之中有一颗矮行星谷神星。Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt, which includes the dwarf planet Ceres.

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在四年星际旅行之后,黎明号将绕两颗小行星飞行,首先是灶神星然后是谷神星。After a four year interplanetary cruise, Dawn will orbit two small worlds, first Vesta and then Ceres.

太阳、水星相冲月亮、冥王星、北交点,相刑土星、天王星和谷神星。The Sun and Mercury oppose the Moon, Pluto, and the North Lunar Node and square Saturn, Uranus, and Ceres.

几年后,其他天文学家发现更多离太阳同样远、像谷神星的小天体。Within a few years, other astronomers discovered more small objects at about the same distance from the sun as Ceres.

CERES送认证证书给操作员而且通知EurepGAP秘书处有关认证地结果。CERES sends the certificate to the operator and notifies the GLOBALGAP Secreta­riat about the result of the certification.

2015年二月,黎明将到达谷神星和研究5个月的小世界,终于结束其使命,七月。Dawn will arrive at Ceres in February 2015 and study the little world for five months, finally ending its mission that July.

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据国家航空航天局介绍,灶神星和谷神星因它们截然不同的性质而被选为这一飞行任务的研究对象。Vesta and Ceres were chosen as the study subjects for this mission, according to NASA documents, because of their very different natures.

本月早些时候,能源作物公司Ceres宣称也将利用基因技术从植物中生产塑料。Earlier this month, energy crop company Ceres said that it intends to use genetic engineering to grow plastics directly in plants as well.

在最新提议的标准下,谷神星将被命名为一颗行星,原因是它的形状近似球形,并且与其它行星距离遥远。Under the newly proposed criteria, Ceres would qualify as a planet because it is nearly spherical and sufficiently distant from other planets.

爱马仕、波塞冬、火神、自由、谷神星和密涅瓦是为了分别代表商业、海洋、机械、战争、农业和智慧。Hermes, Poseidon, Vulcan, Freedom, Ceres and Minerva are meant to respectively represent commerce, marine, mechanics, war, agriculture and wisdom.

不仅仅欧盟认证要求,CERES也要求操作员预先通知认证人员关于连续收获的例外。CERES always requires operators to notify the certifier in advance, not only in case of EUcertification, with the exception of continuous harvesting.

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如果真这样的话,类行星体谷神星就会被归到另一个体系了,因为它位于火星轨道和木心轨道之间的小行星带中。The planetlike object Ceres would have to be in a separate class, because it resides in the main asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

灶神星很像地球和太阳系内部其他多岩石的行星,而谷神星似乎更像遥远行星的冰冷卫星。Vesta is like Earth and the other rocky planets of the inner solar system, while Ceres appears to be more similar to the icy moons of the distant planets.

但CERES建议在使用新的商业肥料或植物保护产品之前,农户先提交一份完整的技术数据表进行审核。CERES however recommends, that before using new commercial fertilisers or plant protection products, farmers submit a complete technical datasheet for review.