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如何认识云翔?How did you know Scud?

乱云飞渡仍从容!Clouds scud past still unhurried!

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乱云飞渡仍从容!Clouds scud past still unhurried !

小明在黄队是队里的飞毛腿。Xiao-Ming Huang team is team Scud.

花开花谢,此消彼长,云卷云舒,又是一年。Flower, reciprocal, clouds scud across, is one year.

这么看来,你建造了一个生化死雨。你认为你能守住它吗?So, you've built a SCUD storm. Think you can defend it?

旅游地围栅外,军用吉普车穿梭而过。Beyond the resort's perimeter fence, army jeeps scud by.

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飞毛腿导弹和中提琴手有什么共同点?What do a SCUD missile and a viola player have in common?

它第一次被使用是在海湾战争作为防御伊拉克飞毛腿导弹。It was first put to use in the Gulf War as a defense for Iraqi Scud missiles.

它应该被击穿,坦克能飞下像一个飞毛腿导弹在执行任务。Should it be punctured, the tank could fly off like a Scud missile on a mission.

去留无意,望天上云卷云舒的闲适意境。Accidentally, hope heaven emanates leisurely clouds scud across the artistic conception.

北约称,卡扎菲部队曾在这座城市发射过一些飞毛腿导弹,但全部偏离目标太远。NATO said Gaddafi troops had fired in the city of some Scud missiles, but all too far off target.

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我们也在关注着化学武器和飞毛腿导弹,要确保他们不会在最后阶段使用。We are also watching the chemical weapons and Scud missiles to make sure they are not used in the endgame.

日本和韩国的政府告诉记者,这些导弹很有可能是一种中型的“飞毛腿”导弹。Government sources in Japan and South Korea told reporters that the missiles may have been Nodongs, a mid-range Scud.

你可以躺下来仰视白云掠过天空,过一阵子到店铺买枝冰棒。You could lie on your back watching clouds scud across the sky, and maybe later walk down to the store for a Popsicle.

你可以躺下来看天空的云卷云舒,或是一活后跑到商店买一根冰棍。You could lie on your back watching clouds scud across the sky, and maybe later walk down to the store for a Popsicle.

劳动一型导弹又叫做“飞毛腿D型”导弹,是经过对飞毛腿系列导弹进行重新设计和改装之后研发的。The ‘Rodong 1’, also known as ‘Scud-D’, was developed through an overall redesign and revamping of the Scud missile series.

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伊拉克政府在结束一九九一年波斯湾战争的联合国停火协议的规范下,被迫摧毁飞毛腿飞弹。Under the terms of a UN ceasefire agreement that ended the 1991 Gulf War, Baghdad was obligated to destroy all of its Scud missiles.

一直以来,南韩军队都在为北朝鲜的导弹袭击做好准备,但并非大浦洞2,而是短程的飞毛腿导弹。South Korean forces are constantly braced for North Korean missile attacks – not by the Taepodong-2 but by short-range Scud missiles.

1991年美国特种部队被派遣参战,切断了伊拉克的通讯线路,破坏了伊拉克用于攻击以色列的弹道导弹发射车。United Nations special forces are dispatched in 1991 and take out communication lines and SCUD Missile Launchers that are attacking Israel.